PPA beating the drum again


Jul 29, 2015
South Jersey
Oh boy. Another piece from Mr. Howell, highlighting the familiar Jemima mount, evil Jeeps, etc. The pine snake even gets more press. Now they are looking to "establish a culture-wide land ethic" to protect the pines from damage which "In some areas... is akin to industrial mining in scope and consequence."

Must be serious now as he used both bold and italicized words in the same article.

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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
Thier drums never stopped beating. They are only beating louder because they are not being heard.
The DEP came up with the best plan using their resources. Implementing a larger plan requires more resources which the PPA already admit are to limited. The best plan is to just let them beat away with no response. There is no plan that will stop anything 100% but the DEP has a plan and instead of undermining it everyone should support it and help it work. Let the extremists on either side complain all they want.
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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
Nope. But if nobody is listening who cares what either extreme says. Petition the Pinelands Comittee to support the DEPs plan is all that is needed to be done. Anything beyond that is pure propaganda on their end to keep this topic alive. Simply posting it here is helping them. Think about it, everyone's voice was heard and the DEP listened. Support of the current plan is the best plan for the pines. Not everyone can be pleased.
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Jul 29, 2015
South Jersey
My take: The PPA and company have/will continue to distort the truth in some cases and outright lie in others in get to their end goal. They have no intention of compromise or working with anyone to protect the forest that doesn't share their extremist views. They already have the ear of at least some politicians based on the responses I've gotten to letters I've sent. If we go silent their distorted views and false claims will become "fact", and that would be a great loss to the vast majority of people of this state who would loose access to OUR wonderful state forests
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Mar 5, 2012
Atco, NJ
My take: The PPA and company have/will continue to distort the truth in some cases and outright lie in others in get to their end goal. They have no intention of compromise or working with anyone to protect the forest that doesn't share their extremist views. They already have the ear of at least some politicians based on the responses I've gotten to letters I've sent. If we go silent their distorted views and false claims will become "fact", and that would be a great loss to the vast majority of people of this state who would loose access to OUR wonderful state forests
You missed my point. Don't go silent. Keep the petitions and letters to our representatives. Discussing it on social media simply keeps the debate alive and plays into their hand.


Jul 29, 2015
South Jersey
I see it somewhat different. They have professional activists that have much more time to lobby, get press exposure, etc to drive their agenda. While those that want to keep the forest open are not activists, we would rather be hiking, kayaking, hunting, horseback riding, or simply diving through the forest legally, etc, rather then writing letters.

I can't speak for others, but every time I see an article from them it reminds me not to get lulled into complacency. We are going to need motivation to keep those letters flowing, and if the PPA helps provide that motivation, so be it.
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Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
It's just sad to see an organization that I thought of as being a force for good just a few short years ago now turn into a cabal of crazed, intolerant, hate mongers hell bent on pushing their agenda without regard for anybody else.

I wish they would direct the kind of energy they're putting towards the MAP towards fighting the pipeline.


Jul 31, 2015
Medford NJ
I lost all respect for the PPA and it's so-called mission when a SGT From the Medford Lakes Police department called me up to ask what my intentions were regarding a harmless comment I made on Facebook after one of their members filed a complaint.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Eh, I'm all for the police following up with people if someone feels like they've been harassed online. Obviously you weren't going to be a problem but the police officer had no way of knowing that, and I'd rather them be safe than sorry.



Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I lost all respect for the PPA and it's so-called mission when a SGT From the Medford Lakes Police department called me up to ask what my intentions were regarding a harmless comment I made on Facebook after one of their members filed a complaint.

I'm no fan of the PPA and similar 501c(3)'s, but why does an individuals action cause your reaction towards the PPA?


Jul 31, 2015
Medford NJ
Eh, I'm all for the police following up with people if someone feels like they've been harassed online. Obviously you weren't going to be a problem but the police officer had no way of knowing that, and I'd rather them be safe than sorry.


What I wrote was neither a threat/insult nor a suggestion to do something even remotely illegal by any stretch of the imagination. Reporting it to the police out of a concern for public safety was a waste of taxpayers money and nothing short of harassment and a sad attempt at intimidation for how vocal and effective i was at quickly turning people in their own neighborhoods against their cause.


Jul 30, 2015
Goes to show you that they are cowards and like to make up stuff. If you can another call from the police
I would charge him with harassment.