Ppa Faq


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I recently got my PPA (Pinelands Preservation Alliance) news letter and on the back they included a Frequently Asked Questions section pertaining to some of their sponsered activities. I thought some of the Questions, and especially the answers, were worth repeating here.

Q: Is the Jersey Devil real?
A:It depends on how you define the word "real".
Q:On the overnight canoe tr4ip, what is meant by a "primitive campsite"?
A: It means that there are almost no annoying things around, like lights, showers, vending machines, picnic tables and such.
Q:Are there really cougars in the pine barrens?
A:Unless alot of otherwise reliable people are hallucinating, apparently so, but we still don't have solid physical evidence.
Q: Are there coyotes and bears in the pine barrens?
A: Yes, without a doubt, but bears are still pretty scarce.
Q:Are the ticks bad in the pine barrens on a warm summer day on a deer trail?
A: Are you kidding?
Q:Are the ticks still out in freezing weather?
Q:What happens if I tip my canoe over in a pine barrens river?
A:You and your belongings will get wet.
Q:Are the ghost towns of the pine barrens haunted?
A:Maybe, so we only go in daylight.



Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
Originally Posted by woodjin
Q:What happens if I tip my canoe over in a pine barrens river?
A:You and your belongings will get wet.

yep, i try only to take stuff that floats...except my garmin legend, i still won't take my 60cs in my kayak ! my wife might not let me but another one !