you can get an animal off the internet from a site like but i believe that some dealers will not ship an animal to a state where that species is native to. also it is illegal to ship reptiles through usps. i also think that ups will not ship either and fedex will not ship reptiles for new clients but will for customers that have been doing so from before. i think the only way you can legally ship reptiles now is through dhl overnight. to really understand the legality of the whole reptile shipping and keeping laws i think you have to be a lawyer. i tried to make sense of it and i can't. to get a permit to keep a reptile in nj is a hassle. in a pet store in delaware in the reptile section they had a sign posted stating that it is easier to get a gun permit than reptile permit. so to answer snakehunter7's question can you buy a native species off of the internet yes you can but you will have to find a person that will ship a native nj species to nj. someone on kingsnake was selling northern redbelly hatchlings from some adult red bellies that he said he caught in chatsworth in the 70's.