Rancocas State Park


New Member
Dec 9, 2007
This is the best kept secret to hike in the region!

Great views of the Rancocas watershed.

Lots of hidden surprises.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Many years ago (about 1975) I roamed around there with my friends from Moorestown, and right in the middle of it there was a large abandoned house with no roads leading to it. It was as if the world had forgotten about it. I always wished I had taken photo's of it. I have mentioned this before and someone said it may now be used by Indians there. Could this be?



Apr 15, 2007
Camden County, NJ
I took a quick hike through the park last June. My chief memory is of the prodigious quantity of insects in the grassy areas at that time of year. I've heard it's a favorite spot for birders. I don't recall a large house in the middle of it, but I stayed on the established trails.


May 4, 2007
if im thinking of the same park yes there is a big old house back there, but there are now trails leading to it, it could of been different back in 75. But last time i was there it was all boarded up and kids used it to party. Guy don't know how much you remember but the house also had a small boat house and was right off of the rancocas creek


New Member
Dec 9, 2007
Many years ago (about 1975) I roamed around there with my friends from Moorestown, and right in the middle of it there was a large abandoned house with no roads leading to it. It was as if the world had forgotten about it. I always wished I had taken photo's of it. I have mentioned this before and someone said it may now be used by Indians there. Could this be?



Depending on which house you're talking about.

The south side of the creek is in Hainesport and there use to be maybe 5 or 6 cabins along the Rancocas Creek. I don't remember a farmhouse in that part of the park, but there was one off of the Mount Holly-by- Pass which was owned by the Brooks Family and is now the new Burlington County Bridges Park.

The house the Indians now use is in the Westhampton side of the state park and if I remember correctly it was a big brick and stone rancher and was owned by the family who had the horse farm which was sold to the state for the park back in the early 70's.

I use to know the family and they were a nice older couple.

She was a naturalist and I believe her husband worked in state government.

I was a kid back then and I use to help out in the park with different conservation projects.

In the mid seventies the Westhampton side of the park was closed because of state budget constraints and wasn't opened until it was leased to the Indians as their reservation in the mid 80s.

The other farm house farther west on the Rancocas Creek, but still in the park is now a summer day camp for kids.

Interesting note is not far from that second house is an abandoned tunnel which goes under the New Jersey Turnpike and it was built just for farm tractors to use.

Note the tunnel is the north side of the creek.

Recently the County bought the Rowan estate which is also adjacent to the creek and I believe the plan is to tie it all together with the Rancocas Green Way.

The entire area is loaded with old Indian artifacts like arrowheads, beads and tools.

Like i said the area is a hidden jewel.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
From the two you mention the rancher has the best possibility of being the correct house. Is there trees all around it and close to it?

My memory of it is vague; however, I seem to remember it being on the edge of a hill. It was full of leaves and maybe pine needles on the roof like it had not been used in years.

Can you pinpoint it on Google? I will head over there one day and if it is accessible to view the outside of it I can confirm if it was the place.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
if im thinking of the same park yes there is a big old house back there, but there are now trails leading to it, it could of been different back in 75. But last time i was there it was all boarded up and kids used it to party. Guy don't know how much you remember but the house also had a small boat house and was right off of the rancocas creek

Can you pinpoint it on Google? It may be the place.

BTW, thank you both for your info.



May 4, 2007
Guy, i was just on google maps and i could only give you a rough idea where it is. I couldn't pin point it. This house i don't know much about it could of been built only twenty years ago im not sure. But my cousin knows all those roads back there and maybe today or on saturday ill talk to him about where it is. It was about two years ago the last time i was back there. And just to give you a heads up those roads back there can be nasty. Kids back there normally have huge tires, 38 or higher. But let me see what i can find out.

I do remember him telling me that a guy lived back there in the house for free, paid by the state. His was supposed to report kids and illegal activity back there which he didn't end up doing, so they threw him out. This may or may not be true but that it what i was told.
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New Member
Feb 16, 2013
Many years ago (about 1975) I roamed around there with my friends from Moorestown, and right in the middle of it there was a large abandoned house with no roads leading to it. It was as if the world had forgotten about it. I always wished I had taken photo's of it. I have mentioned this before and someone said it may now be used by Indians there. Could this be?


was it this house in the url pic i posted here b/c iv been trying to get info on this house and i cant find anything. i was at this place with my paranormal team a couple months ago.


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
I often go to the Indian Reservation and hike from there into the Nature Center area and back. Views of the creek, and heavily wooded,dense areas are common as are deer. I was told that the state has taken over the reservation and is already knocking down the old stands used during the Indian jamboree. The reservation was not well maintained so this should be a good thing.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Thanks Jerseyman. I don't use Facebook but will give it a try or ask my daughters to get to it.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Jessica could not get it to display either so I downloaded Chrome and had the same results. It claims there was an internal error.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Thanks Jerseyman. It would be interesting to know exactly where that house is located because the one we were at was in deep woods with huge trees all around it on the side of a steep hill. I am not saying this is not the place but it does not seem to be it.

I will email one of the individuals who was with me that day and see if he has any input. This was almost 40 years ago and memories are not always correct.