Rancocas State Park


New Member
Dec 17, 2012
I was told the lease to the indians was not renewed by the state, that the park was no longer a reservation. The last time I hiked there was in the fall, and evidence of the reservation was still present. I should be hiking there again in a few weeks and will take some pictures.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I received a reply from the person I was with that day and they pointed me to the location of the house. I now know where it was. I am uncertain if it is the same as yours though. I will send you a PM of the location.



May 18, 2004
Thanks Jerseyman. It would be interesting to know exactly where that house is located because the one we were at was in deep woods with huge trees all around it on the side of a steep hill. I am not saying this is not the place but it does not seem to be it.

I will email one of the individuals who was with me that day and see if he has any input. This was almost 40 years ago and memories are not always correct.

The house in the photo is by the creek and definitely not deep in the woods.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Yes, but when I was there in the summer we came in from the creek and nothing was around. From that perspective it was deep in the woods.


New Member
Dec 17, 2012
Yes, that is the house I've seen. It's been there for as long as I can remember. It's interesting you arrived creekside.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
This was back when the house was not being used. The roof was green and full of droppings and it was summer and the woods were not cleared as they seem to be now. I was following my friends who were from Moorestown, so they knew where we were going. I had no idea where I was at the time.


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
This was back when the house was not being used. The roof was green and full of droppings and it was summer and the woods were not cleared as they seem to be now. I was following my friends who were from Moorestown, so they knew where we were going. I had no idea where I was at the time.
thanks for your reply sorry for not helping with the picture problem I forgot about this page.


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
The house in the photo is by the creek and definitely not deep in the woods.
really? I came idr where exactly I came in but it was this big wood block that blocked the entrance so cars cant come in that's all I remember about the entrance if it even was an entrance but it seemed like it took us 10 minutes to walk in the woods to find the house. my friend that been there before showed us the way so I don't know exact directions but I was wondering why its there and who owned it and so on. I'm a paranormal investigator and I wanted to know some information on this house because I cant find anything about it. if you know anything can you please inbox me anything you know. thank you have a nice day.
Guy, i was just on google maps and i could only give you a rough idea where it is. I couldn't pin point it. This house i don't know much about it could of been built only twenty years ago im not sure. But my cousin knows all those roads back there and maybe today or on saturday ill talk to him about where it is. It was about two years ago the last time i was back there. And just to give you a heads up those roads back there can be nasty. Kids back there normally have huge tires, 38 or higher. But let me see what i can find out.

I do remember him telling me that a guy lived back there in the house for free, paid by the state. His was supposed to report kids and illegal activity back there which he didn't end up doing, so they threw him out. This may or may not be true but that it what i was told.
This is the story I have been told as well. It is true, i remember seeing him driving in and out of the park and when my father told me why he wasnt living there anymore


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Many years ago (about 1975) I roamed around there with my friends from Moorestown, and right in the middle of it there was a large abandoned house with no roads leading to it. It was as if the world had forgotten about it. I always wished I had taken photo's of it. I have mentioned this before and someone said it may now be used by Indians there. Could this be?

Bringing back this thread from 2013. I finially was able to get to the house I first stumbled on back in 1973 when walking with my friends from Moorestown. Looks like nothing is untouched by spray paint. The place is much more open and not as isolated and remote as it was back then when the house was fully intact and locked up. I wish I had a camera with me back then but never expected to see this house.




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Mar 6, 2016
Forked River
This is my sons favorite hike that is not in the mountains of NJ. We usually go every couple of years. We always called it the cabin. When we first went the house was damaged put not tagged up. Each time we go it is worse. Teegates recent pictures, saddens me to see what it looks like now. I do not understand why people see certain things and are bent on destroying it. I personally think it is great to find these old houses and sites to explore and wonder who lived there. Not burn it down.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
This is my sons favorite hike that is not in the mountains of NJ. We usually go every couple of years. We always called it the cabin. When we first went the house was damaged put not tagged up. Each time we go it is worse. Teegates recent pictures, saddens me to see what it looks like now. I do not understand why people see certain things and are bent on destroying it. I personally think it is great to find these old houses and sites to explore and wonder who lived there. Not burn it down.
That place was muddy as hell when I went and all kinds of people were heading to that house. Family's outings were in full force. It is a great place to visit but I will go again very early with Jessica to beat the crowd.