Resource for Bladderwort ID?


Dec 22, 2011
Hi Folks, I was wondering if anyone knew of a resource that they could refer me to for a complete list of NJ's (not general North American) bladderworts? I'm looking to improve my ID skills for them and found myself stumped many times in the past. I wanted to refrain from buying another book/field guide so if there are any pdfs or online resources they would be preferred. Thanks for any help!
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Hi Folks, I was wondering if anyone knew of a resource that they could refer me to for a complete list of NJ's (not general North American) bladderworts? I'm looking to improve my ID skills for them and found myself stumped many times in the past. I wanted to refrain from buying another book/field guide so if there are any pdfs or online resources they would be preferred. Thanks for any help!

I have not found that even the broad-area technical manuals are truly useful (though I have not found any in NJ that I could not identify based upon them). What is sorely needed is a treatment having multiple close up photos of the corolla. I don't know of any like that for New Jersey. Let me know if you find one.
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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Hi Folks, I was wondering if anyone knew of a resource that they could refer me to for a complete list of NJ's (not general North American) bladderworts? I'm looking to improve my ID skills for them and found myself stumped many times in the past. I wanted to refrain from buying another book/field guide so if there are any pdfs or online resources they would be preferred. Thanks for any help!

Have you tried Mike Bakers site?

or the USDA

State Search for Genus = Utricularia
State and Province Distribution = U.S. States (New Jersey)

34 records returned
Click on an accepted name below to view its PLANTS Profile with all synonyms, distribution map, more information, and web links if available.

Symbol/Scientific Name/Common Name
Utricularia L. bladderwort
UTCO Utriculariacornuta Michx. horned bladderwort
STCO15 Stomoisia cornuta (Michx.) Raf.
UTGE Utriculariageminiscapa Benj. hiddenfruit bladderwort
UTGI Utriculariagibba L. humped bladderwort
UTBI Utricularia biflora Lam.
UTFI Utricularia fibrosa Walter
UTOB Utricularia obtusa Sw.
UTPU3 Utricularia pumila Walter
UTIN Utriculariainflata Walter swollen bladderwort
UTIN2 Utriculariaintermedia Hayne flatleaf bladderwort
UTJU Utriculariajuncea Vahl southern bladderwort
STJU Stomoisia juncea (Vahl) Barnhart
STVI10 Stomoisia virgatula (Barnhart) Barnhart
UTVI Utricularia virgatula Barnhart
UTMA Utriculariamacrorhiza Leconte common bladderwort
UTVU Utricularia vulgaris L. p.p.
UTVUM Utricularia vulgaris L. ssp. macrorhiza (Leconte) R.T. Clausen
UTVUA Utricularia vulgaris L. var. americana A. Gray
UTMI Utriculariaminor L. lesser bladderwort
UTOL Utriculariaolivacea C. Wright ex Griseb. piedmont bladderwort
BIOL Biovularia olivacea (C. Wright ex Griseb.) Kam.
UTPU Utriculariapurpurea Walter eastern purple bladderwort
VEPU4 Vesiculina purpurea (Walter) Raf.
UTRA Utriculariaradiata Small little floating bladderwort
UTINM Utricularia inflata Walter var. minor Chapm.
UTRE Utriculariaresupinata B.D. Greene ex Bigelow lavender bladderwort
LERE11 Lecticula resupinata (B.D. Greene ex Bigelow) Barnhart
UTST Utriculariastriata Leconte ex Torr. striped bladderwort
UTFI3 Utricularia fibrosa sensu Britton, non Walter
UTSU Utriculariasubulata L. zigzag bladderwort
SECL4 Setiscapella cleistogama (A. Gray) Barnhart
SESU9 Setiscapella subulata (L.) Barnhart
UTCL Utricularia cleistogama (A. Gray) Britton
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May 20, 2006
Good to see the bladderwort gettin' some love. Usually those darn sundews and pitcher plants get all the carnivorous love. Unless in flower I don't even attempt an i.d.
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Dec 22, 2011
Thanks for the help so far. 46er, that's a great resource, thank you for sharing. According to the article posted and other resources, there are between 12 and 15 bladderwort species in NJ. I'm going to list the ones that I can confirm from Boyd's book "The Ecological Pine Barrens of New Jersey" as well as several other sources, however I can only come up with 10. I'd like to try to get a complete list and then take it from there. Can anyone help by confirming, refuting, or adding to this list?

Horned bladderwort (Utricularia cornuta)
Humped bladderwort (U. gibba)
Swollen bladderwort (U. inflata)
Flat-leaved bladderwort (U. intermedia)
Southern bladderwort (U. juncea)
White-flowered bladderwort (U. olivacea)
Purple bladderwort (U. purpurea)
Reclined bladderwort (U. resupinata)
Zigzag bladderwort (U. subulata)
Striped bladderwort (U. striata aka fibrosa)

I'm also interested in finding out if U. foliosa, U. macrorhiza, and U. radiata are native to here, I couldn't find anything confirming it.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Thanks for the help so far. 46er, that's a great resource, thank you for sharing. According to the article posted and other resources, there are between 12 and 15 bladderwort species in NJ. I'm going to list the ones that I can confirm from Boyd's book "The Ecological Pine Barrens of New Jersey" as well as several other sources, however I can only come up with 10. I'd like to try to get a complete list and then take it from there. Can anyone help by confirming, refuting, or adding to this list?

Horned bladderwort (Utricularia cornuta)
Humped bladderwort (U. gibba)
Swollen bladderwort (U. inflata)
Flat-leaved bladderwort (U. intermedia)
Southern bladderwort (U. juncea)
White-flowered bladderwort (U. olivacea)
Purple bladderwort (U. purpurea)
Reclined bladderwort (U. resupinata)
Zigzag bladderwort (U. subulata)
Striped bladderwort (U. striata aka fibrosa)

I'm also interested in finding out if U. foliosa, U. macrorhiza, and U. radiata are native to here, I couldn't find anything confirming it.

You are missing U. geminiscapa, U. biflora, U. minor, and U. radiata has been documented in New Jersey. Not sure if it's native.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Karl Anderson's Check list of the ants of NJ 2012 has U. macrorhiza synonymous with U. vulgaris which is listed as native in Mary Hough's, New Jersey Wild Plants. She also has U. radiata = U. inflata var. minor as native. USDA shows U.foliosa no farther north than NC although some people are finding plants that aren't supposed to be in NJ! If you find U. olivacea please let me know.