Bob I will take a guess of your puddle is it over by eagleswood and 3ft gun club?
P Pinesbucks Explorer Apr 15, 2013 302 118 Jun 10, 2024 #21 Bob I will take a guess of your puddle is it over by eagleswood and 3ft gun club?
bobpbx Piney Staff member Oct 25, 2002 14,829 5,042 Pines; Bamber area Jun 10, 2024 #22 Pinesbucks said: Bob I will take a guess of your puddle is it over by eagleswood and 3ft gun club? Click to expand... No, its behind the FAA tower, right about here. To be fair, that's pushing into a lowland, but still, during a serious drought it was full of water.
Pinesbucks said: Bob I will take a guess of your puddle is it over by eagleswood and 3ft gun club? Click to expand... No, its behind the FAA tower, right about here. To be fair, that's pushing into a lowland, but still, during a serious drought it was full of water.
P Pinesbucks Explorer Apr 15, 2013 302 118 Jun 11, 2024 #23 Thanks Bob. Been a long time since I have been behind the tower. Reactions: bobpbx