Rock of ages to get new home in Buena


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I do believe this is the greatest place to live in the world.After a 7 month tour to saudi arabia and iraq in the original desert storm I came to realize even more vividly theirs no place like home.I had people sending me pictures of anything green and stuff like sassafras roots and green pine needles just to sniff something alive.I believe the constitution is one of the greatest documents ever put together by men,unfortunately theres a lot of unconstitutionally sound stuff going on amongst the powers that be today.You can't even own a gun in DC and have to jump through hoops to own one here.From what I understand though I'm no expert the property tax and income tax are both unconstitutional.I do believe if we're not in a war then the federal government need to back off.We need a strong military and I'm willing to pay to keep it up but it needs to be in another form then property or income tax.
I know what your saying about moving.If my plans come to fruition in about 3 years I"ll be set to vacate nj altogether.I will miss the barrens and miss family but this state has gotten entirely too out of hand for me.I need to get to a less densely populated and definitely less regulated area.Montana sounds real nice.
gotta's been nice criticizing the government while I can.Won't be long they'll be putting us in the big house for this if things keep proceeding the way their headed.