Roger's House?


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
I am currently re-re-re-reading "Forgotten Towns" and just finished the section on the oldest house in the pines (1720s?). Does anyone know if it is still standing?

I did what I thought was a pretty thorough search of the threads here and couldn't find it. That being said- I often miss what is right in front of my face.


Anyway, I have been lurking here for around a week. I have done more reading about than actual seeking out these forgotten places and towns and, in truth, the posters here run rings around me in terms of knowledge and experience.

If I have the name or date of the house incorrect I apologize- I am away from my books.

The coolest thing I own are these Becks, as they are first editions.

Thanks in advance for any help.


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
Is that the log cabin? If so I think it's been gone a long, long time. It was over by Presidential Lakes.

I think Bob knows more about it.

Yes the log cabin with the 'sniper holes' for fighting the natives.

I figured it would have been gone. Thanks.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Yes, that is long gone. When I was a kid we swam at the beach in Presidential Lakes, and I think it was situated right at the top of the beach. There is an interesting bit about another cabin in Mr. Misery in a book about snakes. If I get a chance I'll dig it up. A hermit lived in that one, though it was much more recent.


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
Thanks bob, I appreciate it. When I was single I used to make quick day trips to find some of the places mentioned in the books but was never quite successful.

I thought I was close to Brisbrae (sp) once (thought it was Pasadena 'til I came here) but now I doubt it.

Used to walk around some abandoned railroad tracks not too far from Four Mile... don't know why, just looked like a fun place to stop. See how scientific I wasn't?


Anyway, I don't know why the log cabin caught my interest in this reading of the book, but it sure as heck did.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
There is a booklet called Runaway that is a collection of stories from visits to the Borton family cabin located in the woods across the street from the blueberry assoc. in New Lisbon between the 1900's until 1976. One story tells of a canoe trip upstream where they came upon a cabin with a hermit living there. I don't remember many of the details but I read it in the Pemberton Twp. Library and Jerseyman once mentioned that he bought a copy at the Pemberton R.R. museum.


May 29, 2003
I remember hearing from someone or something that the cabin at Upper Mill (Lower?) was moved somewhere else to protect it. It may have met its demise somewhere else. I can't remember the source but it may have been told to me by someone in the area.


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
I think my avatar is a still from the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." I found it on a random avvie site.

If so, "Fear..." is a novel by Hunter Thompson which I have taught in my English classes.

I have a certificate in special education and teach the students that are 'naughty'. In other words, no cognitive impairments, merely emotional difficulties.

My certificate allows me to teach any subject to sped students. A flaw perhaps in NJ and Fed law but that is changing due to NCLB.

I, however, am grandfathered in.


TMI? Probably and certainly OT but I have yet to introduce myself properly.

I grew up in west Jersey just outside the modern limits of the Pines and have always found refuge in them.

Compared to the posters here though I am no teacher, but a student.

If there is a proper forum to introduce myself I will. I am grateful already for all the information and resources I have found here.



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I think my avatar is a still from the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." I found it on a random avvie site.

If so, "Fear..." is a novel by Hunter Thompson which I have taught in my English classes.

I have a certificate in special education and teach the students that are 'naughty'. In other words, no cognitive impairments, merely emotional difficulties.

My certificate allows me to teach any subject to sped students. A flaw perhaps in NJ and Fed law but that is changing due to NCLB.

I, however, am grandfathered in.


TMI? Probably and certainly OT but I have yet to introduce myself properly.

I grew up in west Jersey just outside the modern limits of the Pines and have always found refuge in them.

Compared to the posters here though I am no teacher, but a student.

If there is a proper forum to introduce myself I will. I am grateful already for all the information and resources I have found here.


Welcome to the forum!!


Apr 4, 2004
Browns Mills, NJ
What part of west Jersey? I have lived in Delanco and now reside in Riverside.

I think my avatar is a still from the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas." I found it on a random avvie site.

If so, "Fear..." is a novel by Hunter Thompson which I have taught in my English classes.

I have a certificate in special education and teach the students that are 'naughty'. In other words, no cognitive impairments, merely emotional difficulties.

My certificate allows me to teach any subject to sped students. A flaw perhaps in NJ and Fed law but that is changing due to NCLB.

I, however, am grandfathered in.


TMI? Probably and certainly OT but I have yet to introduce myself properly.

I grew up in west Jersey just outside the modern limits of the Pines and have always found refuge in them.

Compared to the posters here though I am no teacher, but a student.

If there is a proper forum to introduce myself I will. I am grateful already for all the information and resources I have found here.



Sep 14, 2008
Cinnaminson, NJ
Welcome to the forums!! I'm in Cinnaminson, and have a good week and a half vacation coming up. Plan on hitting the pines a couple of times, hopefully.


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
The movie is crazy, admittedly. The book was much better, as always. :)

It's not supposed to be about the glorification of that lifestyle... anyway I better stop myself now.

hehehe. I can ramble.

Cinnaminson! We are neighbors. :)

I love it in Burlington County though I can only compare it to Camden County (the only other place I've lived in NJ).


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
I actually read that for the first time a few weeks ago. HST is quite a character.

Yup... quite crazy until the day he died. He got it right though, imo, in regards to the ways in which the American dream can be perverted.


I'm afraid I have you way off topic now. Maybe I'll just go ahead and change my avatar then. Something benign maybe...
