Ruins by New Caranza Bridge


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The Friendship area and Friendship Bogs was owned by two family's named Evans and Wills. The heirs of one of the family's owned that property all the up until the late 1950's when they sold it to a development company. Many people do not realize how close Friendship and Friendship Bogs came to being developed.

The property extended all the way up to the base of Apple Pie Hill on the Apple Pie Hill side side of the JCRR. Just last week I was at the location of where the property line ended. Anyway, it never materialized to all of our good fortune.

This area was not as some people may think purchased with most of the rest of Wharton.... it was very recent that the state took control of it. The DEP purchased, at least the Friendship Bogs property, in June of 1981 as acquisition number 518.


BTW, does the Wills name seem familiar to those of you who have explored that area? If not... it should :siren:



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002


That is not my photo. I was linking to the one he posted the link for. I searched through them and found it.

No need to worry Ben, you are the man :)



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
The Friendship area and Friendship Bogs was owned by two family's named Evans and Wills. The heirs of one of the family's owned that property all the up until the late 1950's when they sold it to a development company. Many people do not realize how close Friendship and Friendship Bogs came to being developed.

The property extended all the way up to the base of Apple Pie Hill on the Apple Pie Hill side side of the JCRR. Just last week I was at the location of where the property line ended. Anyway, it never materialized to all of our good fortune.

This area was not as some people may think purchased with most of the rest of Wharton.... it was very recent that the state took control of it. The DEP purchased, at least the Friendship Bogs property, in June of 1981 as acquisition number 518.


BTW, does the Wills name seem familiar to those of you who have explored that area? If not... it should :siren:


I hadn't realized it was aquired that late, or that is was in danger of being developed. Whew, what a horrible waste that would have been. One of my favorite areas.


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Here they are. Like I said, we were there a couple weeks ago. It should be noted that this is on posted private property, however we did not see that until we existing the road.

The cemetary and the tavern site up the road are not on private property. That road is not private property. The only thing that's private up that road is the property around the house back there.

Guy: Phew!
The cemetary and the tavern site up the road are not on private property. That road is not private property. The only thing that's private up that road is the property around the house back there.

Guy: Phew!

I believe, and Guy can correct me if I'm wrong, that everything on the right side of the road including the house which is leased out, belongs to Lee Brothers. The cemetary is on state property. The road, as are most (but not all) roads in the Pines, is public.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Before anyone gets in trouble lets get this straight.

The below maps shows state, private, and Parker Preserve.

Basically all sides of Eagle road is private, including the graves, all the way up until it hits the Parker Preserve which starts at the wide road on the angle just below the word "Parker". The road is public in all area's.

Do not wander off of the road or you could get in trouble.




Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
The blue line is the actual state survey line. This is the property we just discussed that was owned by the development company. Imagine all of this with homes!



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I may have been wrong on a portion of this. The woods on the side with the grave up to Eagle may be state. However, the Lee property crosses over the road after the grave and so about 20 or 30 feet of that side of the road would be private. If you stand at the cemetery and look towards Eagle you can see the Lee survey line. You can also see it from Speedwell Friendship road.

Basically, you need to be careful in that area. Visit the grave and stay on the road would be my advice.
