Satuday in the pines


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I spent the day Saturday in the pines with BobM and we explored the pines in the Forked River Mountain and surrounding area, and visited quite a few interesting places. The first area we explored was the Union Clay and Greenwich Forest area where we searched out the highest places in South Jersey using maps and my GPS.

My GPS has proven to read 5 feet short of Ben's GPS and the maps of the area, so the highest reading we had was 209 feet. The maps claim SJ reaches 218 feet, and we certainly walked over it even though my GPS said differently.

On he way back to our vehicle we walked through a trashed out party area where we found and retrieved a knife that would have made Rambo jealous. It has a ruler on the blade.

From there we crossed over 539 and after riding for a short while, and walking through the woods, we arrived at one of Bob's favorite remote small lakes. I have to say it was a really nice area, one that I would like to visit again.

A short distance down the road we stopped at an area in the woods where Bob mentioned a bulldozer while fighting a fire had filled in a stream to be able to cross it. Nature had found a route around the road but it is not the same. Portions of the original stream has dried up.

Notice the route of the water in this photo.

While there we heard the call of the Pine Barrens Tree frog and we set out to photograph one. Bob has a quite good imitating call that actually was getting response from the elusive frogs. We were able to close in on one in a very small particular area but unfortunately we could not find it. We left the immediate area a few times and Bob repeated the call with good results, but we returned time and time again without finding it.

From there we traveled to my camp at Forked River Mountains. We parked on the road where we turned around on our first outing out that way, and Bob ran into one of the puddles try to catch a massive frog. They are fast! We then walked up to camp and we explored the woods around it. Bob had noticed on the way up the mountain a small clearing and we visited it on the way back. Hunters had been feeding corn to deer and had two really nice stands in the trees. Bob climbed one and I the other, and we each photographed one another in them. Sorry... I won't post the ones of him.

From there we traveled to the sand company along the the road that originally was the Tuckerton Railroad.

Returning on this road we stopped and searched through the woods for foundations of buildings that may have been part of a bombing range in that area.

Next we again crossed over 539 and visited a recently planted rye field. The deer were there when we arrived but abruptly left.

Our second from last stop was again in another field made for deer where we visited a small lake on the perimeter. Roaming through the woods we found evidence of previous human habitation, and more terra cotta pipe than I have viewed anywhere in the pines. There was evidence of a long ago road that possibly may have been used to transport this pipe from either Pasadena or Union Clay Works. Certainly just a guess!

Bob then found what he believes to be a plant that he and others that he knows have never found and photographed before. Through out the day our batteries had been slowly deteriorating. Even though between us we had about 16 batteries, as I took my photo of the plant my camera shut down without us having a good battery between us. So I can't post one for you to see.

Our last stop was the USGS gaging station at the Webbs Mill Branch near 539.

I must have left something out because we did so much, but all in all a great day!



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

It brought back memories of years ago for sure. I really do enjoy that area and had a great time. I went 12 hours without eating except for half of Bobs granola bar and never even felt hungry we were so busy. We should make plans with Bob to do that again. I just feel bad that I must rely on others for use of a vehicle when traveing in that area.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Guy, you are welcome in my ride anytime. I really like your patience when we visit spots. Most people have ants in their pants and don't take the time to contemplate and explore. Your write up on the day was good too.

Ben; sounds like you had a great Sunday. I want you and Guy to get those knee high waders; lets really hit the wet spots!

A bit of a song from the band "Crash Test Dummies":

Some folks say that life is just a veil of tears
Not me man I can't pack enough into these years
I don't care if it's spring summer winter or fall
Make no fuss about the seasons, 'cause I like 'em all

Here on earth I'll have my cake
Gonna eat it too, make no mistake
'Cause if it's a question of to be or not to be
I'll put on my boots and go see what I can see


Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I used to have a pair of waders, just in case my Jeep ever got stuck. When I sunk it in Crystal lake, I put them on but the water was higher than the waders went. (The water was up to my neck) I don't know what happened to them - I probably threw them out.