And will continue to enjoy them.
Essentially, Furball, all you have to do is "sit and wait." If you're over the age of 21, your body has had its best years already behind it. From 21 on, it's all "downhill," although you may not be aware of it, in a big way, until years later...
However, you can shorten it (you life) by running headlong into a bridge abutment at 80 mph, running into a wall with your nose, as the Phillies' "famous, home--run--hitting centre fielder, Aaron Rowand," did, or, somewhat slower, by consuming contaminated foodstuffs. If the DOD gets its way, the Army Corps of Engineers will dump "neutralized" nerve gas hydolysate into the Delaware upstream of the clam and oyster beds off of Fortescue and Bivalve.
Wanna bet that the shellfish population "take a hit" from that? Wanna bet that they don't bioaccumulate microgram amounts of unneutralized nerve gas, or "bioderivatives" of the components?
Enjoy those pcbs and the dioxin!