Searching For Commissioner Stones


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

Jessica and I headed out after 3PM today to search for a "Commissioners Stone" on the Burlington County boundary. Actually, there we were looking for two Commissioner Stones about 50 feet apart. These stones from what I found out, and have somewhat surmised, are quite interesting in what they are for. And if these were the same as at least one other along the border, they were placed there in 1854.

The Burlington County border with Ocean and Monmouth County is as I have mentioned before the Keith Line, which was run off in 1687. He had been expected to separate the state into East and West Provinces, but had some compass problems. Eventually, the county of Burlington used his line for it's border.

But the line for some reason is not straight, even though you would think so looking at maps. At various locations along the line it deviates a few degrees. At one location near Bullock that occurs, and two Commissioners Stones about 50 feet apart are reported to be there. I believe at the locations where the line turns, these stones were placed to reflect that.

On our way there we went through Woodmansie and spotted Bill Wasovwich as Bob had recently when he went past there. He was carrying a bucket of water or possibly firewood to his residence. For those of you who don't know who he is, read "The Pine Barrens" by John McPhee.

Our fist stop was the county marker at the intersection in Bullock along the JCRR, to get the GPS coordinates that I have never taken of it. It is leaning more and more, and may one day be knocked over.

From there we started our search for the Commissioner stones, and found one in a hurry. It still has the letter "B" inscribed in it. I was going to dig on the other side to see if the "O" was in it, but decided it did not need to be disturbed by me. A quick search for the other one 50 feet away was discouraging. I will have to return soon to look again.

Notice the letter "B" inscribed in it.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
JerseyJim said:
I think I need to hang around with Guy alittle more often, he finds all the good markers. actually takes quite a bit of time, patience, persistence, research, persuasion, and most of all luck to find them. Oh...and also a sharp eyed daughter who will follow me off a cliff.



Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
gee, i wish i had the " patience, persistence, research, persuasion" to do half of what Guy has done.

is there a pill i can take for that ?


Aug 17, 2003
Delaware County Pa.
You have a point Guy, but I tend to find some good finds, well I think they are good. Now I know that this isn't in the Pine Barrens but sometime in the next few weeks I am planning on searching for stone markers along the Mason Dixon Line in the Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania region.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
JerseyJim said:
You have a point Guy, but I tend to find some good finds, well I think they are good. Now I know that this isn't in the Pine Barrens but sometime in the next few weeks I am planning on searching for stone markers along the Mason Dixon Line in the Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania region.

I hope you do well with it. If you get any photo's try to post them.

Good Luck.



May 18, 2004
onehand said:
gee, i wish i had the " patience, persistence, research, persuasion" to do half of what Guy has done.

is there a pill i can take for that ?

Not the answer you were looking for...

It's just something that you have, is a part of you. With me it's cemeteries. If I hear of a neglected burial ground, a headstone off in the woods, I feel a need to find it. I say a prayer, I briefly speak with the deceased just in case they might be able to hear!, and frequently leave a small gift like a flower or an interesting stone.

My Mom recently reminded me that I'd been doing this sort of thing since I was a kid. The family would be out for a Sunday drive and once in a while I'd yell "Stop!" from the back seat of the car. As soon as the car came to a halt, I'd bolt and run across a farmers field or meadow to stop at a gravesite, usually near a treeline, for 5 minutes or so, then run back to the car and tell them that I was finished there, that we could go.

It's a sort of appreciation for what has come before: work, life, history. I suppose it's for the same reason that anybody does anything, a fervant desire, a need.

As far as I know, there isn't a drug which will do that for us right now. Perhaps someone in Washington or Bethesda knows. I'm sure that something like it is in the works if it hasn't been produced yet.

Better living through modern chemistry.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

We searched again today for more of the Burlington County monuments and another Commissioner Stone.

First, we visited monument 15 right along route 70 near Whiting.

We then looked for 16 with no luck. It looks like some heavy equipment had been in the area years ago so it may be gone. We will look again when we are in the area.

Number 17 is right along the former railroad tracks near Buckingham. I walked right by it before Jessica noticed it

Could not find 18; however, we did find this.

Number 19 is in good shape.

Then we looked for the second Commissioner Stone that I could not find last week. We had to use a tape measure since I was confident that I knew the distance to it from the one we previously found. I measured off the distance and was getting discouraged since there was nothing there. I started poking in the ground and realized that without the tape measure it would have never found it. It was complexly underground.

You can see the "O" for Ocean.

We then found # 20.

Other than finding the Commissioner Stone, the most interesting part of the day was when we stopped at a house and started talking to two brothers who have lived in the area for almost all of their life, and the oldest man told me he was "80 something"!

I asked a few questions and told them a few things, and we visited one location on their property. They were so nice, and had even brought out some survey maps and practically begged me to take them on loan. At first I refused, and told them that photo's of it would do just fine. I laid it on the roof of my car and opened the door and stood up and took photo's of it. But it was obvious they wanted me to take it so I did. It is a very interesting map with some revelations to me, and the location of some inscribed stones that I will look for. We set up a date and time where the "80 something" man will be bringing other maps he knows about. I will keep you informed on what I learn.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
You had a productive day. I guess it pays to travel with a tape measure.


I purchased a 100 foot tape a while back and keep it in my pack. I have used it quite a few times.

I just went to Kinko's and copied the map. I was looking it over under a Florissant light and there is a seal on it but I can't read it.



Oct 3, 2005
Carson City, NV
TeeGate said:
Then we looked for the second Commissioner Stone that I could not find last week. We had to use a tape measure since I was confident that I knew the distance to it from the one we previously found. I measured off the distance and was getting discouraged since there was nothing there. I started poking in the ground and realized that without the tape measure it would have never found it. It was complexly underground.

You can see the "O" for Ocean.
Nice find… was there a B on the other side? The good thing about it being buried is that it won’t end up in someone’s private collection.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Nice fine… was there a B on the other side? The good thing about it being buried is that it won’t end up in someone’s private collection.


Yes there was a B. I tried not to disturb it so I just dug down enough to see the tops of the letters. After covering it back up and walking away, I came back to it and there is no way anyone can find it without knowing where it is. That one should be there a while. I hope!

Two more to find, one not far from 72, and the other in Plumstead Twp that is inscribed B-0 1854.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
After doing a few things early in the morning, Jess and I went looking for a Burlington County stone and a monument. We had to walk over a mile to get to them, and enjoyed the interesting walk. This stone is not reported to be inscribed, and I did not disturb it enough to find out. It's age is not known by me; however, it most likely is again from the 1850's.

Marker #30
