

Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
This is sort of a humorous observation but it is serious in a way. I'm only 23 so I wasn't around when people proposed splitting New Jersey into two seperate states (it was in the late 70s right?), but having grown up in what is arguably south Jersey and now living in north Jersey it's incredibly apparent that it really is two very different states in one. I grew up in Hamilton which is just south of Trenton in Mercer County. Central to some, but I consider it south since I'm really way on the outskirts of Hamilton-my parent's house is literally 5 minutes from Route 539. Plus most of one side of my family is from Columbus, Browns Mills, and Wrightstown. I learned to shoot at the range at Colliers Mills and I got my very first pheasant there as well. I fished at Island Beach and hunted ducks in a bona fide Barnegat Bay sneakbox. These are things that not only I did, but my Father, Grandfather, and Great Grandfather did. My Great Grandfather was an avid hunter, trapper, and fisherman, in fact he dug clams at the shore to sell at the Columbus Farmer's Market well into his 70s. Not all of my friends that I grew up with were hunters and fisherman, but most at least knew the culture and ways of life common in south Jersey. We all talked the same way (it's pork roll-not taylor ham, its pronounced wooder not water, etc...), and we all knew that the Pines wasn't some barren wasteland filled with crazy inbred people and such.

Once I got to college I experienced a whole new way of life just an hour up the Turnpike. Right now I live in the city of West Orange which is in Essex County, not far from Newark. Up here there are towns crammed together that are incredibly tiny yet numerous. In 15 minutes driving down a main thorofare, Bloomfield Avenue, you can pass through Fairfield, Caldwell, West Caldwell, Verona, Montclair, Essex Fells, Glen Ridge, Bloomfield, and Newark. There really is no wilderness here save for a park here and there and one piece of County land, South Mountain Reservation, which is about 2,000 acres. People up here seem almost allergic to anything involving the outdoors unless you're talking about the shore, and even then all they know is that they have to drive through all the those scary pine trees to get either there or to Atlantic City. Of course there are a few exceptions, my girlfriend is from Sussex County, which is quite rural and has some beautiful areas, but they along with Warren are sort of ignored by Hudson, Bergen, Essex, and Union Counties. Basically to these people the pines is some backward land where the mob goes to dump bodies which should just be bulldozed and made into a giant mall.

Am I exaggerating here a bit? Certainly, but there is some truth to all fiction. I've never felt more like an uncouth redneck (which I take a certain amount of pleasure in) since I moved to north Jersey. Now of course I've assimilated a bit-I know my way around "the city" (God forbid you refer to New York City as anything but that up here) pretty well, and I could tell you where every exit on the Turnpike north of 11 will take you. But I'm still one of those "609ers" to my friends who for some reason likes to *gasp* get up early and sit in a tree with a shotgun waiting for a deer to pass by-why would I want to do that they wonder when you can buy perfectly good meat at the store!? And good lord-who in their right mind would venture into that scary place the Pinelands? There's no cell phone reception there!!! So is anyone for secession? Because I certainly am...I would draw the line between Mercer and Hunterdon so that Somerset and Middlesex would be on the north side and Monmouth would be on the south side. Not exactly a totally even divide considering the characteristics of those counties, but there wouldn't really be a better way I don't think. I guess Trenton could remain "our" capital-Newark could be made capital of the state of North Jersey. Interesting to think about especially since it was seriously proposed at one time-anyone have any other thoughts?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Nice post.

But I do like the variety NJ offers, even in the people. Many of them may be ignorant about us down here, but many of them are also generous when it comes to conservation. Many donators to Land Trusts that buy and conserve land down here live in and made their money in North Jersey and New York.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
IIRC it was around the early 1900s when there was a movement to make S. Jersey into it's own state. I believe the Kallikak book/paper had a lot to do with it.

I don't spend much time in North Jersey, and I hate driving north of the Raritan Bridge. That said, there are some really, really nice areas of North Jersey. I liked Chatham, which I went to nearly every weekend when my friend went to the College of St. Elizabeth. Asbury (not Asbury Park) is really nice.

North Jersey - it's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
bruset said:
IIRC it was around the early 1900s when there was a movement to make S. Jersey into it's own state. I believe the Kallikak book/paper had a lot to do with it.

Actually there was a more recent movement-I checked it out in an old New Jersey Monthly I thought I had thrown away. There was a guy named Joel Jacovitz who headed what he called "The Committee to Free South Jersey." During the 1980 election they actually got a non-binding referedum on the ballot about secession and 51% of South Jersey voters (don't know which counties) were for it. Crazy huh? Anyway, Bruset, its funny you mentioned Chatham-that's where my girlfriend lives now. It is a nice area along with Madison, Teaneck, Summit, and all those other towns up here. Funny, there is a huge wetlands area full of hardwood swamps and small ponds/lakes in Short Hills not far from Chatham but its completely off limits because it is owned by the Newark City Waterworks. Oh and did I mention that in South Mountain Reservation there is NO mountain biking allowed ANYWHERE? If you get caught its a $150 fine and the police will take your bike and tell you to come pick it up at the station. Up here it seems that if its not a dinky little neighborhood park or a golf course it should be gated, locked and looked at from a distance.

wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
I live in East Windsor and find it to be one dividing line. The south east section is still mostly rural and hunting is allowed yet it's up against Millstone...the yuppie capital of SW Monmouth County...I grew up in Easton, Pa and at age 18 I was learning to be familiar with the bars, taverns & pubs of Warren & Hunterdon...My wife is a transplanted Brooklynite who finished growing up in Sussex & Passaic...We're a real mix.

I prefer the southern section of the state and I live where I do to escape some of the 'mess' that defines the North East portion of the state. currently I work in Union and my commute is 'MY' time to decompress from all the self-centered, me first, A$$ holes I encounter every day...

The ONLY convienience to working up here is the ease in getting back to see Mom & then head off to the Poconos...


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
wis bang said:
I prefer the southern section of the state and I live where I do to escape some of the 'mess' that defines the North East portion of the state. currently I work in Union and my commute is 'MY' time to decompress from all the self-centered, me first, A$$ holes I encounter every day...

How is the commute? I'm going to be applying for teaching jobs next year and I'm finding that for the most part all of the good salaries are up here, but there's no way I'll live up here. I'm assuming you take the Turnpike?


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Actually I forgot to touch on a subject in my original post that you guys will get a kick out of. Sophomore year I took New Jersey History (its required of all social studies education majors in the state) and what a joke that was. It was like the southern part of the state didn't exist! We learned all about how the Dutch settled what is now Elizabeth and Hoboken and how the Oranges were named for the English house of Orange, etc... The battles of Trenton and Princeton were as far "south" as the course went. The pines were described as (no lie-I quoted the prof in my notebook because I thought it was so rediculous) "that area you pass through on the Parkway going to the shore." Basically all that was mentioned was that the soil is sandy and the pines are scrubby and there was once a town or two there (no mention of why the towns were located there), and that its a protected area. I did my final paper on Batsto village and the professor, who was a native of Newark, mentioned to me how much SHE learned about the pines! Amazing isn't it?


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
If I can find it...stupid me didn't back up any of my files and *poof* one day last year gremlins invaded my laptop causing me to need a new hard drive. I think I still have the hard copy somewhere though. One of these days I'll get around to retyping it because I'd like to get all that stuff back on the computer AND a disk.

wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
Badfish740 said:
How is the commute? I'm going to be applying for teaching jobs next year and I'm finding that for the most part all of the good salaries are up here, but there's no way I'll live up here. I'm assuming you take the Turnpike?

The turnpike [to exit 11] is fine, it moves along between 60 and 90 and the traffic flows OK. then I take the GSP from 129 to 138. It's only 12 miles or so [exit 138 is really mm 140.1] and is usually the longest part of the trip. It's 5 lanes wide and some are doing 55 while the rest try to go 90, that is when it's not bumper to bumper at 5 MPH.....My 42 miles commute averages out to 55 - 65 min and holidays & days when the GSP & TPK are trashed stretch that out to 2.5 hrs or so.................


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
Thats not too bad...I'm actually familiar with the route, but I've never had the pleasure of driving it at rush hour. I take the Turnpike to 11 and get off the Parkway at 145 to 280 West to get to my school. Right now I'm looking at maybe getting a job in Cedar Grove so I'd have to take 280 to Rt. 23 which would add at least 30 minutes to the commute you have right now. It's something to think about anyway...


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
BEHR655 said:
I never say that I'm from New Jersey. I always say that I'm from South Jersey. They really are two distinct worlds.


Amen Steve.
When I hunt in Pa. I go out of my way when talking to "locals" in the hunting camps and local bars to explain that I am from SOUTH Jersey, not the other Jersey.
It is amazing how far the stigma of arrogance associated with New Jerseyites travels deep in to the Pa. deer woods.
Of course I feel like I wasted my breath on the "local" pukes when I later learn they are from Philly, Reading or Chester and only come to upstate Pa. once a year during deer season to drink beer and cheat on their wives.


Jun 16, 2003
Boston, MA

I will have a second run of my 'South Jersey Pride' t-shirts available within the next month. Should run around $15 w/shipping. I'll post again when they are ready to be ordered and I have a final picture of the design.

I'm going to be selling them via the web for the most part so I'll paste the link up when they are ready.
