Today I did a short hike from Batsto to Evans Bridge on the Batona Trail. Started off cold then got a little warmer
Hadn't been on this section in twenty years and was amazed at how I could still locate things I saw back then. Some parts are a little overgrown, saw a seagull which disappeared into the brush, found a possible boundary marker (at least that's what I think it is - it was imbedded in the ground however bore no markings) and had to go around a few ice pockets...all in all it was a nice walk through the Barrens. A pond which used to be near 563 has since dried up and another pond had barely any water in it. Hopefully they'll fill back up again.
I am attaching a picture of the possible boundary marker in case anyone can identify it as such.....or tell me I'm nuts. :rofl:

I am attaching a picture of the possible boundary marker in case anyone can identify it as such.....or tell me I'm nuts. :rofl: