I have found very few southern ringnecks.almost all have been northerns with complete yellow band.I believe the southerns are orange and broken as you say.They seem to like my woodpile
I have found very few southern ringnecks.almost all have been northerns with complete yellow band.I believe the southerns are orange and broken as you say.They seem to like my woodpile
those are three ways,also a black rat has keeled scales which make it look shiny,a race has smooth scales which make it look flat black.So I am "assuming"... or better yet asking?... A few ways to tell a rat from a racer are climbing ability, speed, and underbelly. Otherwise I have seen a lot of images that look very similar.
Hi Al,
The ringnecks that you found, do they have a belly without markings?
Or do their bellies look like this guy below?
What is it you like.I assume your referring to Millville/ Bevan WMA.Buckshutem Swamp is a first rate cedar swamp.Best to explore it now before the Autosports parks starts up or the whole time your there you'll feel like you have your head in a hive of bees.A real nice cedar bog down in there,you'll feel like your in Wharton when your there.There are also a lot of old Baileytown foundations if your of a historical bent.Also a lot of Owls and Coyotes sounding off at night depending on time of year.Also attached to the WMA to the south is bear swamp.Very unbarrens like but a very cool place in it's own right.If you want an upland barrens type feel I'd suggest Manumuskin Preserve or select areas of Peaslees.I work odd days and hours (rotating shifts) but if you want company let me know and we can check schedules.Manmuskin,
Thanks for the info. Nice area you are in down there. Would like to explore the WMA down there some day. Any good advice?
I have never really paid attention to the bellies,I usually check ring color and weather it's broken or not but I"d have to say that most every one I"ve found have the markings on the belly.Whats the difference? I have read that southerns have orange rings and that the ring is broken.I have found very few snakes like that and it was a long time ago.I"d say all the ringnecks I"ve found in the last ten years have been northerns with a whole yellow ring.NJ Chile Head , I actually find both . I'm in Southern Monmouth , " The intergrade " zone . The 2nd one , the Southern Ring neck predominates . Also , The Milk snakes over here are both "coastal " as well as the darker Eastern Milk. In certain areas you can actually find both ( Species of Milk ) , a couple of miles apart .
Manumuskin ,Not certain , but I think the belly markings are associated with the Southern ring neck . Monmouth / Ocean Co they are found in a very broad habitat range . Wet / dry , artificial cover , dry sandy areas , dry grass. I have actually seen them out @ night, on "the crawl " in Sept / Oct while fishing . I just recently read they are mildly venomous as well as constrictors ?? This is the 1st time I have ever heard of any snake being a constrictor and having venom ?? Does this sound right to you ? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diadophis_punctatus Thanks !!I have never really paid attention to the bellies,I usually check ring color and weather it's broken or not but I"d have to say that most every one I"ve found have the markings on the belly.Whats the difference? I have read that southerns have orange rings and that the ring is broken.I have found very few snakes like that and it was a long time ago.I"d say all the ringnecks I"ve found in the last ten years have been northerns with a whole yellow ring.