Snuffy's Cabin

Pine Rat Hunter

New Member
Oct 1, 2008
In Ocean county, off 70, down the road from BBB hunt club, is a small house in the woods simply known as Snuffy's Cabin. As a kid my stepdad and I would pull up in the yard just at dark to spotlight deer in the yard. There were always deer due to the fact that whoever lived there would pile up food for them. 25 Years later when I visit my dad to hunt I make it a point to turn in and take a peek. Same food and same deer were there. Does anybody know the story with this place? I've seen an old guy there on occasion but that was years ago.

Pine Rat Hunter

New Member
Oct 1, 2008
Take a drive through Browns Mills on 530. Go past Whites Bogs untill you reach Rt. 70. Go left roughly a quarter mile untill you see a dirt road and an old bullet riddled stop sign on the right marked with BBB. Follow that road and over creek bridge at least a mile and a half untill you reach a intersection known as Five Points, (five dirt roads that intersect). Turn 1st left (if you cross the rail road track bed at five points you went too far). Follow the road that parallels the north side of the tracks east roughly another mile and a half untill you reach your first right. Turn then immediately cut back west on the south side of the tracks. The road will immediately split, turn left. Follow about 75 yard and you will pop out at Snuffy's Cabin. Check out the deer (if dark) and leave quickly (you are tresspassing but so what, your in the pines). My family has bow hunted that area for at least 30 years and saw Snuffy's deer almost every time out.


Pine Rat Hunter

New Member
Oct 1, 2008
Please show some respect for this guys property. I'm sure that he has seen enough wannabe deer jackers and litter bugs in the past. I would love to live there, if only I could get rid of my wife and kids.


Pine Rat Hunter

New Member
Oct 1, 2008
I think it might be in the Buckingham area.

Your right. I'm trying to figure out how to use your mapping tools and save the marked location as an attachment.
Technology is wonderful isn't it. Back in the day you would have to take a ride in the truck with the cooler and try to find it. Now I can see every goat path from the comfort of my desk 300 miles away.
I'd rather take the ride and the cooler.


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Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
leave quickly (you are tresspassing but so what, your in the pines).


Buckingham is where it is. The guy likes his privacy. Personally I'd show some respect for someones home and never be shining lights towards it if I knew he didn't care for it. Just because you've been doing it for 30 years doesn't make it right, but to each his own.

Pine Rat Hunter

New Member
Oct 1, 2008
Jeesh, you make sound like I've been doing a 30 year nightly light show. I haven't lived in the state for 18 years and only get to briefly visit once a year for a few bow hunts not to spotlight. I if anybody have utmost respect for privacy and enjoy what little time I get to spend in the Pines. I would appeciate it if you didn't make me out to be another inconsiderate spotlighting deerjacker. That was me before shock treatment.
All due respect my choice of words could have been better. I do not condone tresspassing or a "who cares" attitude. The once free and unregulated spirit of the Pines of my boyhood are gone.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Buckingham is where it is. The guy likes his privacy. Personally I'd show some respect for someones home and never be shining lights towards it if I knew he didn't care for it. Just because you've been doing it for 30 years doesn't make it right, but to each his own.

I don't see where he's invading anybody's property. That cabin has been discussed many times here. It shows up on a map, and is fairly conspicuous. It's also got plenty of "no trespassing" signs up and around, so anybody with a clue would know not to go bothering his deer or knocking on his door.

Cut the guy a little slack.


Jan 25, 2008
Browns Mills
Your right. I'm trying to figure out how to use your mapping tools and save the marked location as an attachment.
Technology is wonderful isn't it. Back in the day you would have to take a ride in the truck with the cooler and try to find it. Now I can see every goat path from the comfort of my desk 300 miles away.
I'd rather take the ride and the cooler.

I just followed your directions and took the ride in my head. I think a right turn at five points would have taken you to the BBB club. I would always take the road that runs through JJ Whites bogs and past the old Pemberton Twp. dump to get to five points. The last time I was by BBB was not long after the first building burned down. I might take a ride to the area this weekend to check out the clubs that Teegate and Whitingrider pointed out.

Pine Rat Hunter

New Member
Oct 1, 2008
My apologies if I misunderstood your statement. I'll stick to what I said if I didn't.

If anybody should apologise it should be me. My dad and uncles just wanted to show me some deer when I was a boy. Unfortunately this man had a whole bunch in his yard due to the fact that he was always feeding them. I for one not being a party pooper and too young to challenge the status quo did not dispute the sporatic visits. After I left for the military and the first Gulf War it was a comfort when on leave to come home and see deer tooling around as usual.
I have never tried to purposely violated this mans property. After reviewing digital records I have found that I was well within the state forest boundarys. Go figure, like I said I would love to live there.


Pine Rat Hunter

New Member
Oct 1, 2008
I just followed your directions and took the ride in my head. I think a right turn at five points would have taken you to the BBB club. I would always take the road that runs through JJ Whites bogs and past the old Pemberton Twp. dump to get to five points. The last time I was by BBB was not long after the first building burned down. I might take a ride to the area this weekend to check out the clubs that Teegate and Whitingrider pointed out.

I must have been gone too long so this is the first about BBB burning down. Back in the late 80's the guys would get together for the occasional keg party and shoot pool. Good fun. When did it burn down? Do you know any details? Used to see some nice bucks around that dump.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
If anybody should apologise it should be me. My dad and uncles just wanted to show me some deer when I was a boy. Unfortunately this man had a whole bunch in his yard due to the fact that he was always feeding them. I for one not being a party pooper and too young to challenge the status quo did not dispute the sporatic visits. After I left for the military and the first Gulf War it was a comfort when on leave to come home and see deer tooling around as usual.
I have never tried to purposely violated this mans property. After reviewing digital records I have found that I was well within the state forest boundarys. Go figure, like I said I would love to live there.

I was in the first gulf war too,Did you ever get the blues over there because there was nothing green?I did.Used to have friends send me pics of the Barrens.
By the waty,after twenty five years I doubt it was the same food and the same deer:)


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I met the guy who lived there once. He stopped by as I was fising the old bog along the RR to the east. Nice guy, asked me if I caught anything. When I told him just one small one he said "well, are you having fun?" when I nodded he said, "well that's the important thing" Good attitude. There are trails behind his place that are unmarked and before you know it you are in his backyard, so take caution if you are around the area to the south.
