Sooy Place Rd


New Member
Feb 14, 2008
Hi All -new here - In June my family and I are moving to Sooy Place Rd - next to Ward Sands. - Just wondering if anybody knows anything about the area. As far as I can tell , there are no plans right there for a strip mall or anything but I'd figure I'd check and see what everyone knows about the area. Can't wait to be a Piney!


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Welcome to the site! I am curious, there was a house on sooy Place that I came real real close to buying before I bought the one I am in now. I am wondering if it is the same one. Is it the house with the shiny wall paper in the one bed room? Nice piece of land and a nice house. I was real close to choosing that one.

Anyway, welcome to the forum. What area are you comming from?



New Member
Feb 14, 2008

Thats the house! I dont see what the problem is when you can see yourself in the We adopted 4 little kiddos age 6 and under so we just want the property - I'll work on the wallpaper as we go. Eventually hubby wants to add on.We're currently in Mount Holly.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery

Thats the house! I dont see what the problem is when you can see yourself in the We adopted 4 little kiddos age 6 and under so we just want the property - I'll work on the wallpaper as we go. Eventually hubby wants to add on.We're currently in Mount Holly.

Small world huh? (at least in the pine barrens). Yep. I've been all through your house on three occassions:) That property is GREAT! Lots of privacy. The house is great also (once the wall paper goes LOL). Seriously, it is a great house! Hey, did you notice the sign on the shed? I wonder if they left it. It is a historical landmark sign that some one lifted at some point. If you could PM me the site it mentions I would be grateful. I took a mental note of it but forgot. Don't mention it on the open forum. It is your sign now.

Congratulations and welcome to the neighborhood. I live fairly close to you. The kids are going to love that property!! The schools are great also. There are many many amazing things to see right around the corner from you. Many you can learn about on the forum, if you have any specific questions feel free to PM (private message) me.



Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
there is nice home for sale on baptist rd. in chatsworth, nice home with 6 acers, right around 330K, would love to buy it but it my better half will not move that far out in the "sticks":rolleyes:. good luck with the new home.