This is the link to the adder's tongue pic in my album.
I was having difficulty figuring out which variety it was, based on what was supposed to exist in NJ and with all of the botanical name changes the adder's tongue has gone through, so I had contacted David Snyder, the state botanist about it, and at his request sent him a specimen.
As it turns out, this species was thought to be SH (historical) in NJ. What a cool find! :bounce:
This is the link to the adder's tongue pic in my album.
I was having difficulty figuring out which variety it was, based on what was supposed to exist in NJ and with all of the botanical name changes the adder's tongue has gone through, so I had contacted David Snyder, the state botanist about it, and at his request sent him a specimen.
As it turns out, this species was thought to be SH (historical) in NJ. What a cool find! :bounce: