Haines --- Forestry Venture --- Sim Place --- Cranberry Bogs
TeeGate said:
Dear Guy,
you mention in a posting of 25 FEB 2005 that Haines & Haines acquired the Sim Place bogs in 2005. In the meantime, what have they done with them?
From what I read on this topic in various postings on the list, there seemed to be speculation that H&H were going to clear--cut the land for the stunted pine, in order to make pitch/tar?? In this day and age, this seems a bit far--fetched, unless "tar futures" on the NSE are "stratosphaeric," and the stunted pines of the region are producing a lot more pitch than they used to...
Then, it seems that H&H was contemplating making a "tree farm"... Although this sounds very interesting, considering the price(s) of building materials, such farms take at least 15 to 20 years to produce marketable lumber --- and that's in MUCH WARMER CLIMATES like Puerto Rico! Investing over $6 mio. in a venture that may or may not produce during what one may consider the "productive lifetime" of a generation seems to be "highly speculative," if not downright "foolhardy"... Especially, so it would seem, since H&H is more experienced in growing fruit.
A couple of years ago, the DEP caused a "stir" with at least one of the large cranberry growers in NJ. For some reason, that I do not completely understand, they were against the development of new bogs, and they wanted to shut--down older operations, if they could --- citing "water pollution concerns"... HOO, HAH!!
Maybe you can "clue" me into what they were attempting to articulate in the A.C.Press?
From what I read, a couple of years ago, the wholesale market for cranberries, nationwide, hit an all--time low. Ocean Spray had a lot to do with this, evidently, and when they "refocussed" their interests on Wisconsin (?), I believe, the NJ cranberry growers were "hit" even harder. If the wholesale prices for cranberries is/was so low, why would H&H invest $6 mio. in the purchase of an "operation" that will take another huge investment to restore/upgrade to today's standards/methods?
hypothesise that H&H may be more interested in the water --- for irrigation of their other ventures (blueberries, cranberries) elsewhere, since fresh water for irrigation purposes is becoming a scarce commodity in the southern 1/2 of the State, especially since the AC casinos require over 58% of the water pumped daily by the ACUA, not to mention those casinos that have their own "deep wells." That, combined with overdevelopment of the area, has had a marked effect on the water supply to the south of AC --- salt water intrusion in wells in Cape May; farmers on the Cape (with their own, "State permits" driven wells") being banned, by the State, from using their "privately--driven" wells to irrigate their crops...
Can you shed some "light" on this, Guy? What does Sim Place look like today? My understanding was that the Kupire Corp. sold it to the Div. of Wildlife back in 1985, but this is only hearsay. I guess, for purposes of clarification, one would have to look at the deed books for Burlington County, or inquire of the tax assessor for B.R. Twp....