Statewide Fall Bow Opener


Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
While some zones opened a few weeks ago, the rest of the State opens this weekend.

This should be an interesting season in suburbanized areas with the new reduced bow perimeter of 150'.
I believe a lot of phone calls will be made to enforcement by people who are not well informed about this substantial change.

I won't be taking advantage of this where I hunt. Even if I did hunt suburban settings, I wouldn't want to shoot a deer 150' from a house and have it run up on someone's lawn and cough up a lung in front of the kids.

Good luck everyone !


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I won't be taking advantage of this where I hunt. Even if I did hunt suburban settings, I wouldn't want to shoot a deer 150' from a house and have it run up on someone's lawn and cough up a lung in front of the kids.

Good point about that Scott. You guys know me, I don't pull any punches about dumb laws, and this one is plain stupid in my opinion. Everyone across Lacey Road has a home that backs up to Double Trouble SF. If a guy has a clearing in the back, a hunter could be in plain view all day while he works around the yard. Kind of unsettling if you ask me. 150' is close...hell, my lot is 200 feet deep, so if I was at my mailbox, I could see a guy as close as my garden, and that is close.

I am not anti-hunting. I am just really annoyed by the abilty of the hunting lobby to get this done.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I also do not like this law. I enjoy hunting because it allows me to feel closer to the Earth as I obtain my food in a more natural manner. It is the same reason I fish, clam, crab and grow my own vegetables. I enjoy all of these pursuits (other than gardening, obviously) more when I am as far from other people and from development as possible. Hunting within sight of someone’s home, or any other structure, would totally diminish my escape from the modern world. I’ve never hunted close enough to anything to even worry about the legal distance.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
No fun in hunting when you can see civilization from your treestand. I know I do not want to look at houses when I am hunting. The main reason is to get away from it all.

I think the main reason the state passed the 150' foot for archery hunting is so the herd can be better managed in areas of the state with high human and deer populations. It allows hunters to get in and manage the herd in areas they were not able to with the 450' law. I do not think we will have an issue in the pines with treestands being hung almost in back yards.

This will be the first opening day I will miss in the Pines in many years. I am going to hunt in Vermont for their opening weekend this year.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I think the main reason the state passed the 150' foot for arcery hunting is so the herd can be better managed in areas of the state with high human and deer populations. Chris

If that is so, then why make it statewide? Look at zones 21, 23, and 24---I don't see an urgent need to get as close as 150 feet to a building. They kill few deer compared to the rest of the state in those zones anyway.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
I also do not like this law. I enjoy hunting because it allows me to feel closer to the Earth as I obtain my food in a more natural manner. It is the same reason I fish, clam, crab and grow my own vegetables. I enjoy all of these pursuits (other than gardening, obviously) more when I am as far from other people and from development as possible. Hunting within sight of someone’s home, or any other structure, would totally diminish my escape from the modern world. I’ve never hunted close enough to anything to even worry about the legal distance.

Exactly. Id rather be in the middle of nowhere and get nothing, than get my limit near a developed area. Defeats a large part of the purpose by my standards too.


Mar 10, 2005
Pinewald, NJ
If that is so, then why make it statewide? Look at zones 21, 23, and 24---I don't see an urgent need to get as close as 150 feet to a building. They kill few deer compared to the rest of the state in those zones anyway.

No need for it in 21, 23 and 24. Maybe the state should have only passed the 150' bill for areas of the state where it was needed, not state wide. I have not even gave the 150' law much thought. I am neither for or against it. It has no effect on my hunting style.



Jan 22, 2007
Southern NJ
The owner or lessee of a building-and persons specifically authorized by the owner or lessee in writing (written permission must be in possession while hunting)-may hunt within 150 feet of the building. Persons authorized to hunt within 150 feet of a building must hunt from an elevated position to shoot down toward the ground. Shooting into a safety zone is prohibited.In NJ You must know where you are at all times.As a hunter I must know where I am even if the ground is not posted. More info below:

wis bang

Jun 24, 2004
East Windsor
PA always was 50 yards for archery VRS 150 yards for rifle. They don't have to be in a tree stand shooting at the ground either, just can't shoot into the safety zone.

The big difference is that any outbuilding is included in the safety zone so a garden shed at the back of the yard pushes the hunter further away.

Either state allows hunting, with permission within the safety zone so, as long as it does not interfear with any neighbors safety zones, you could sit on the back deck.

I've seen guys in PA sitting inside the patio door with a rifle! I hope the wife & kids are not around when he shoots.


Sep 14, 2003
the deer even in the pines prefer the lawns and sprawl. for instance i see more deer in the pockets and housing off pasadena road than in the deep woods. 150 feet allows a hunter to get to them. when you buy property butted against a state park or wildlife management area you gotta expect others are gonna use them woods too.part of the condition of the law is that you also have to be elevated in a tree stand. connecticut doesnt have problems with crazy perimeter laws. 450 feet was a ridiculous law. glad it changed.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
If you live adjacent to state lands and want hunters to stay away, it may be a good idea to built a bunch of new tree stands near your property hoping it will keep others from coming near when they see them.


mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
Also in reality if you don't want them within 150 feet, just stop using your toilet and go back there, or play obnoxiously loud rap music with a subwoofer. Or better yet, tune up on the ole mud truck with open headers