The stink bug threat is so new to the state that agriculture officials say they can only guess at this year’s potential crop damage. They nonetheless estimate that the bugs could destroy more than $40 million worth of apple, peach, tomato and green pepper crops that were worth about $117 million in 2010. One Rutgers University estimate sets a potential 60 percent loss to the state’s peach crop this year.
Researchers with Rutgers University’s New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station say the state’s stink bug threat is greatest in South Jersey. Field study teams found the insects are concentrated in just about all of Salem and Gloucester counties and the western end of Cumberland County.
Researchers with Rutgers University’s New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station say the state’s stink bug threat is greatest in South Jersey. Field study teams found the insects are concentrated in just about all of Salem and Gloucester counties and the western end of Cumberland County.