Yesterday, Al (manumuskin) and I stone searched in the area of the bombing range and Oswego Road, among other places. Quite a few of the stones are no longer there but we did find a few we looked for. In one of the areas we were in Samuel Richards had owned property. Unfortunately, I don't think there are any stones from this.
In any event, here are a few we did find.
An interesting area along the way.
I think this one fell over and broke into pieces.
We had learned there was an old cabin that had burned years ago in the area we were in, and we were surprised to find it high on the top of a high spot in a very nice location. If the trees were shorter the view would have been quite nice.
The burned timber and solid remains.
There was a really heavy and huge pipe that they had used for their heating needs. This cabin must have been quite large.