Fellow Pineys,
Last night, 3/1/06, I observed several lights, one appearing after the other in a matter of a couple of seconds. They formed a remarkably straight line, something that I'd never seen before. I first saw them while driving on the parkway near Galloway, and saw them again about 45 minutes later in Mullica. A friend of mine also saw them in EHC. Has anyone any idea as to what they were? I doubt they were for the purpose of navigation for a plane, as the night was clear as ever.
Last night, 3/1/06, I observed several lights, one appearing after the other in a matter of a couple of seconds. They formed a remarkably straight line, something that I'd never seen before. I first saw them while driving on the parkway near Galloway, and saw them again about 45 minutes later in Mullica. A friend of mine also saw them in EHC. Has anyone any idea as to what they were? I doubt they were for the purpose of navigation for a plane, as the night was clear as ever.