It would be interesting to know where all the dwellings were in that area over the years. There were people living at the West Jersey Cranberry Bogs in 1937.
Samuel Prince and Miss Mamie Chew, both of West Jersey Cranberry bogs, were united in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Deissler, Branch street, Medford, at 7 o'clock on the evening of July 6. The ceremony was performed by Rev. George Thompson in the presence of a few friends. Clinton Prickitt acted as best man. A reception followed the ceremony.
And in 1908.
... The body of James Morton, who died from apoplexy at the West Jersey cranberry bogs near Atsion, on June 28, was held by undertaker William Reilly until yesterday, and as no claimant appeared it was interred at public expense. Morton had been in this section about ten years. He was well educated and had "seen better days," but he kept his past a secret.