Thanksgiving Dangers


May 2, 2006
southern NJ
Thanksgiving is one of, if not the most dangerous time of the year to travel. It's not just a matter of "Over the River and Through the Wood's to Grandmother's House We Go" anymore. People "zip" from one place to another by car, bus, plane and possibly snowboard...


Blast from the past; first hurricane hit Pilgrims in 1635

"...just 14 years after the initial Thanksgiving celebration in Plymouth Colony... ...New England ...[was] battered by what was later dubbed "The Great Colonial Hurricane" — the first major storm suffered by the first North American settlers..."

"The Puritans, after landing at Plymouth Rock, endured disease, brutal winters and battles with the natives. But their biggest test roared up the coast from the south, an unprecedented and terrifying tempest that convinced rattled residents the apocalypse was imminent.

And why not? The transplanted Europeans knew almost nothing of hurricanes, an entirely foreign phenomenon. Their fears of approaching death were reinforced when a lunar eclipse followed the natural disaster."

"The settlers easily could have packed up and gone home," said Nicholas K. Coch, a professor of geology at Queens College and one of the nation's foremost hurricane experts. "It was an extraordinary event, a major hurricane, and nearly knocked out British culture in America."

...and you think YOU have it bad, when some "pinhead" in a "monster, gas--guzzling, SUV" is "tailgating" you on 295 on your way to grandma's... :rolleyes:



Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
Sauced up hunters who are pinhead SUV drivers.

and you think YOU have it bad, when some "pinhead" in a "monster, gas--guzzling, SUV" is "tailgating" you on 295 on your way to grandma's

Because we all know "pinheads" who drive monster, gas-guzzling SUV's are the only people who tailgate. I don't know if you are joking or not but if someone wants to drive a SUV they can, they paid for it and they pay for the gas. I'm sure a lot of people on this site use their SUV's and trucks to get into the pines, I know I do. I must be a pinhead.

This also goes along with hunters "on the sauce" comment. Talking about how most hunters don't know what they are doing and so on. Just kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I don't hunt but my whole family does and has for years. Like I said I'm sure you were joking, being sarcastic, whatever, but I don't need to here those comments when I read this site.


Feb 19, 2005
Copperhead Road
This also goes along with hunters "on the sauce" comment. Talking about how most hunters don't know what they are doing and so on. Just kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I don't hunt but my whole family does and has for years. Like I said I'm sure you were joking, being sarcastic, whatever, but I don't need to here those comments when I read this site.

Eh...I read ebsi's comments too and I think that they were harsh and uncalled for, but I think something got lost in translation as usual on messageboards. I think we all just need to realize that in the absence of body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, just have to pick your words more carefully.


May 2, 2006
southern NJ
and you think YOU have it bad, when some "pinhead" in a "monster, gas--guzzling, SUV" is "tailgating" you on 295 on your way to grandma's

Because we all know "pinheads" who drive monster, gas-guzzling SUV's are the only people who tailgate. I don't know if you are joking or not but if someone wants to drive a SUV they can, they paid for it and they pay for the gas. I'm sure a lot of people on this site use their SUV's and trucks to get into the pines, I know I do. I must be a pinhead.

This also goes along with hunters "on the sauce" comment. Talking about how most hunters don't know what they are doing and so on. Just kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I don't hunt but my whole family does and has for years. Like I said I'm sure you were joking, being sarcastic, whatever, but I don't need to here those comments when I read this site.

and you think YOU have it bad, when some "pinhead" in a "monster, gas--guzzling, SUV" is "tailgating" you on 295 on your way to grandma's

...and I mean each and every word of it, Trailhead! Make NO mistake about it, Badfish's attempt at diplomacy notwithstanding. (Thanks, Badfish: Nice try.:jd:)

If you're going to quote me, Trailhead, then, by all means, use all of my "descriptors"/adjectives. One key word is "monster." I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, so I shan't provide links to some examples. I intend to purchase an SUV myself --- one, I hope, that will alleviate some of the physical problems in "getting around"...

Because we all know "pinheads"...

Trailhead, if you don't like the noun "pinhead," perhaps you might find "Bozo," "idiot," "jerk" or (enlightened, itinerant "nincompoop") to be a better fit... (I was just trying to be "nice." :D). If you, or your extended relations (or anyone else for that matter) do not fit into any of the above--mentioned classes of cretins who tailagte or ride bumpers, then I am most puzzled why those nouns evidently irritate you...

...who drive monster, gas-guzzling SUV's are the only people who tailgate. [my emphasis]

I didn't state that, Trailhead, but, probably because there are so many SUVs on the road today, it might seem that way!

Anyone, in any kind of a vehicle, SUV, pickup, Honda Civic, Stanley 'Steemer," Stutz Bearcat or (one of my favorites, designwise) a Cord,
who tailgates is a P I N H E A D ! ! !

I don't know if you are joking or not[,]...

I'm not!

...but if someone wants to drive a SUV they can, they paid for it and they pay for the gas.

I agree. That's one reason why, tomorrow, we pay homage to "Our Maker" and to our forefathers, who fought (and died) to give us certain "unailienable rights."

I'm sure a lot of people on this site use their SUV's and trucks...

Now, Trailhead, it isn't enough that you are trying to get the SUV owners, especially those with the "monster" SUVs, mad at me, now you're "putting words into my mouth" --- eliciting truck owners, too? For shame, Trailhead, hang your head and weep...

However, I'll take away some of the "smart," Trailhead: "Anyone, in any kind of a vehicle, SUV, pickup, Honda Civic, Stanley 'Steemer," Stutz Bearcat or (one of my favorites, designwise) Cord, who tailgates is a
P I N H E A D ! ! !" get into the pines, I know I do.

My statement specifically referred to the insane, holiday traffic. I specifically mentioned 295, because of the seeminly high number of speeding "nuts" and tailgating "pinheads" that I've encountered there. However, my comment applies to the GSP, the ACXway, Route 140, or anywhere else, including "getting into The Pines." Tailgating, anywhere, by anyone, in any kind of a vehicle (mountain bikes and Vespa's included!) is pure, unadulterated idiocy!

I must be a pinhead.

If you tailgate, Trailhead, you are. If the "shoe fits"...

This also goes along with hunters "on the sauce" comment.

Yes, any driver who drives while intoxicated, too, is a "totally, global, moronic, pinhead."

Anyone who feels he needs a few "belts" in order to face the sport of hunting in the "wilds" of The Pines is a "totally, global, moronic, pinhead," too --- and belongs locked in a "rubber room," where he does not pose a threat to society!

Talking about how most hunters don't know what they are doing and so on.

Did I say that, too? :confused: For shame! :jeffd:

Just kind of rubbed me the wrong way.

I shall make an exerted effort in the future, Trailhead, not to "ruffle your feathers. Just post a list... :rofl:

I don't hunt but my whole family does and has for years.

Well! I did --- 45 or so years ago. My father and my grandfathers on both sides of my family did, and a g--g--g--grandfather hunted in The Pines, too. One of his hunting exploits has actually survived in written form: I'm still looking for the person who has the original manuscript...

Like I said I'm sure you were joking, being sarcastic, whatever,...

Hmmm, did you already say that? Let me check...

..but I don't need to here those comments when I read this site.

Outside of making the above--referenced list, Trailhead, the only comment I can make that might help you is a recent comment by the ACLU when a group of concerned citizenry protested the display of prurient materials along a street frequented by children on their way to and from school: "If it disturbs you, just avert your eyes!" :engl101:



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Ok...let calmer heads prevail and keep this from escalating.

Apr 6, 2004
Now, now, gentlemen.....

Hey, what can be so bad about driving an SUV? It's good for the oil companies, afterall. I'm sure it's good for other reasons, but I'm too tired to think right now.


May 2, 2006
southern NJ
Now, now, gentlemen.....

Hey, what can be so bad about driving an SUV? It's good for the oil companies, afterall. I'm sure it's good for other reasons, but I'm too tired to think right now.

It's time for us to purchase a newer "second vehicle." I need something that will help me get around a little better --- sometimes to those places in the "woods" to have a "looksee." Most of the time, I will run it locally --- to do the marketing, visit my 12 specialists, and go to the library and hardware store. At the moment a Subarau Forester seems to be the best all around buy as far as fuel economy/reliability/quality are concerned. First, I need to see if I can get in--and--out of the Forester with ease... Also, I noted that the Consumer Reports on the (manual transmission model) of the 2006 Forester mentioned that it had a "gated shift," whatever that means...:confused: I hesitate to opt, instead, for an automatic transmission, because I don't know how good those things are in "hairier situations"... Also, the Forester seems to be lower slung (?) than other small SUVs in its class, and, as such, if that IS , indeed true, how suitable it might be on those backwoods roads... So far, I have yet to meet--up with anyone who can give me the answers I seek.



Mar 9, 2005
Haddonfield, NJ
Are you really serious? I really don't need to hear any of that, especially when I come on this website. I think you went a little over the top there. It wasn't the pinhead "monster" SUV comment that really bothered me, it just made me think about your comment on "sauced up" hunters. When I first read the hunters comment I thought to myself some other people on here might not like that, then you made another comment about the SUV's and thought you were going after certain people for driving them and that might tick some other people off.
Evidently someone else agreed with me. I did state though that you were probably joking or just being sarcastic to get some people fired up a bit. Which is fine, but after your last comments you made it quite clear that was not the case.
If you want to debate politics or anything else, that is fine with me, just do it in another forum. I'm sure a lot of people on here come from different backgrounds, have different political views but we all like one thing, the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. I'm not on here to attack, judge people or to make generalized statements. I also do not like being talked down to. You don't know me, you never met you, you don't know where I came from, you couldn't pick me out if I walked in front of your face, so lets not get carried away. I'm also trying hard to keep this clean. Let me also make it clear that this is not the type of message I feel like leaving on this website. But if that is the type of response I'm going to get, I'll start visiting other websites and just play more online poker. Do you think next time could you take some more of the "smart" away so I could understand everything, after all I'm just a Piney.