The Alligator


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I have no idea. Getting ready for a survey in Jackson Township, west of Lakewood.



Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
I've seen old newspaper articles alternately referring to the site as the "Alligator Farm". I don't recall the source though and would have to re-dig for them.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I did a google search last night, and there were several sightings of small alligators in some of the lakes, but long after 1930.


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ

That name is intriguing. My go-to source for possible meanings is the Oxford English Dictionary.

  • U.S. A tough frontiersman
  • North American colloquial. A rough, lean hog
  • alligator snapper n. = alligator snapping turtle n.
  • A person who binds or ties something.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area

That name is intriguing. My go-to source for possible meanings is the Oxford English Dictionary.

  • U.S. A tough frontiersman
  • North American colloquial. A rough, lean hog
  • alligator snapper n. = alligator snapping turtle n.
  • A person who binds or ties something.
Did they meantion the actual creature Mark?


Jan 5, 2009
Richland, NJ
Did they meantion the actual creature Mark?

Never heard of that creature...

The next thing I like to do is visit Early Land Records, 1650-1900s and search "Alligator"—

A resurvey from 1857 and another from 1858 popped up as candidates. Both look interesting.

TO: Joseph W. Brick (of New York State; Deceased; Estate of); Robert Campbell (Acting Executor of Joseph W. Brick, deceased)
5 Nov 1857
RESURVEY AND RECTIFICATION OF THE BOUNDS OF LAND. 12721 acres. On the North and South Branches of Metetecunk River; Branches of Fishing or Kettle Creek; part in Howell Township; part in Dover Township; part in Jackson Township; Fork of County Line Road, or Road from Jackson to Squan; old Freehold Road leading to the Bergen Iron Works; up the Watering Place Branch; Road from Joseph Mount's, called Alligator, to Bergen Iron Works; Edge of Grassy Hollow; Main North Branch of Toms River; Road from Toms River to Bergen Iron Works; Westerly edge of Green branch; Southerly side of Tunes branch; South of Eagle Hill; a old Pine Stump called the "Iron Pot Corner"; Road from Green Branch to Kettle Creek; Toms River Upper Road; Road to Cedar Bridge Village; Chambers Bridge over the South Branch of Meteteconk River; Gum Branch; Schoolhouse Branch; Cabinfield Branch; Monmouth County; Ocean County. Based on resurveys made in 1855, 1856 and 1857. Resurveyed for 13,506 acres strict measure; remaining for 12,361 22/100 strict measure; after deducting 1,214 78/100 acres for exceptions. The total acreage according to accounts of his former surveys being 12,721.02 acres; including an additional mislocation of 705 77/100 acres; for which the Estate of Joseph W. Brick, deceased, is entitled to a Certificate of Mislocation. After deducting this quantity there remains 12,015 25/100 acres; deducting that amount from the total resurvey of 12,361 22/100 acres; there remains 345 97/100 acres strict measure to be returned [overplus]; for which a portion of the Certificate of Mislocation is applied. Notation at margin: Class 27 [erased].
OTHERS NAMED: Andrew Bell (Owner of adjoining land; Returned: March 5, 1814 (S16, 351); Returned: March 12, 1808 (S16, 53); [and other tracts]); Elisha Boudinot (Owner of adjoining land; Recorded: October 16, 1797 (S11, 273)); F. W. Brinley (Surveyor General) (Signatory); Francis W. Brinley (for William G. Johnson; Adjoining land; Returned: May 29, 1847 (S22, 298); [and other tracts]); [Unrecorded] Chambers (Chambers Bridge; Adjoining land); Richard DeBow (and Thomas DeBow; Owners of adjoining land); Thomas DeBow (Owner of adjoining lands; Returned: March 28, 1815 (S16, 478); January 6, 1829 (S20, 300); [and other tracts]); Thuenis Denice (Owner of adjoining lands; Returned: March 21, 1764 (S5, 150); May 24, 1770 (S6, 119)); Annaniah Gifford (Annaniah Gifford's Eagle Hill tract; Owner of adjoining land); William Griffith (Owner of adjoining lands; Returned: August 5, 1810 (S16, 151); Returned: April 15, 1812 (S16, 209)); Kenneth Hankinson (Former owner of adjoining land; Returned: May 5, 1789 (S9, 115)); Jonathan Johnson (by Francis W. Brinley, for Jonathan Johnson; Owner of adjoining land; Returned: January 7, 1837 (S22, 41)); William G. Johnson (by Francis W. Brinley, for William G. Johnson; Owner of adjoining land; Returned: May 29, 1847 (S22, 298)); [Unrecorded] Kearny (Kearny and Parker; Owners of adjoining land; Recorded: March 26, 1822 (S18, 490)); John Laurence (Owner of adjoining land; Returned: November 28, 1822 (S18, 526)); Joseph Laurence (Owner of adjoining land; Returned: June 20, 1825 (S20, 164)); John Lippincott (Owner of adjoining lands; Returned: April 8, 1810 (S16, 135); Returned April 3, 1810 (S16, 137)); William McGill (Owner of adjoining land; Formerly owned by Jesse Richards); Robert Montgomery (Owner of adjoining land; Returned May 20, 1814 (S16, 381)); Joseph Mount (Owner of adjoining land; Joseph Mounts [land], called Alligator); Gertrude Parker (Owner of adjoining land; Recorded: June 3, 1800 (S11, 442)); James Parker (Deceased; Executors of; Owners of adjoining land; Returned: May 25, 1812 (S16, 212)); James Parker (Owner of adjoining lands; Returned: July 30, 1824 (S20, 104); Returned: August 12, 1799 (S11, 282); [and other tracts]); John Rattoone (Owner of adjoining land; October 12, 1807 (S16, 39)); John Reid (Former owner of adjoining land; Returned: June 24, 1769 (S6, 70)); Jesse Richards (Owner of adjoining lands; Returned: July 18, 1814 (S16, 405); Returned: August 15, 1815 (S18, 8)); [Unrecorded] Runyon (The Runyon Place; Adjoining land); John Rutherford (Owner of adjoining lands; Returned: August 24, 1857 (S20, 249); Returned: September 4, 1827 (S20, 251)); Elizabeth Stevens (Deceased; Executors of John and Elizabeth Stevens; Owners of adjoining land; Returned: January 7, 1796 (S11, 154)); John Stevens (Deceased; Executors of John and Elizabeth Stevens; Owners of adjoining land; Returned: January 7, 1796 (S11, 154)); Joseph Throckmorton (Owner of adjoining land; Returned: October 25, 1825 (S20, 189)); [Unrecorded] Wier (Wiers old field; Adjoining land); John Williams (Owner of adjoining land; Recorded: August 4, 1761 (S4, 372))
LOCATIONS: East Jersey; Monmouth; Ocean; Alligator; The Alligator; Cedar Bridge; Dover Township; Howell Township; Jackson Township; Eagle Hill; Grassy Hollow; Cabin Field Branch; Fishing Creek; Green Branch; Gum Branch; Kettle Creek; Metedeconk River; Schoolhouse Branch; Toms River; Tunes Brook; Watering Place Brook; County Line Road; Freehold Road; Road from Jackson to Squan; Toms River Road; Bergen Iron Works; Bridges; Chambers Bridge; Forges, Iron Works, Iron Mines, Iron Mills; Iron Pot Corner; Roads, Streets, Highways, Paths
S22 (EJ Surveys) : Folio 487-498 (PEASJ003)

TO: Joseph W. Brick (of New York; Deceased; Estate of); Robert Campbell (Acting Executor of Joseph W. Brick, deceased)
5 Jan 1858
RESURVEY AND RECTIFICATION OF THE BOUNDS OF LAND. 813.83 acres. On Doves Mill Branch; East side of the North Branch of Toms River; from a stone former (by erroneously) placed in an old field; Middle of the East side of Bowmans Bridge; South side of the brook coming from Wild Cat Swamp; Road leading towards Bennets Mill; Crossing Sandy Gully; on a Sandy Knoll, fifty links Eastward from an old coal pit; West of a stone hill; crossing the Road from Bowmans Bridge to the old Red Tavern; Edge of lowlands called "Big Cripple"; Road from Alligator to Goshen; Dove Mill Dam tract; Doves Mill Branch; Road from Doves old Mill to Bowmans Bridge; Jackson Township; Ocean County. Resurveyed in 1857. Resurveyed for 813 83/100 acres; 25 55/100 acres [overplus] (W11, 53). [Notation for Index book: [Class] 11].
OTHERS NAMED: Andrew Bell (Owner of adjoining landa; (S18, 305); (S13, 297)); [Unrecorded] Bowman (Bowmans Bridge; Adjoining land); F. W. Brinley (Surveyor General) (Signatory); Francis W. Brinley (Owner of adjoining land; (S20, 545)); William Burnet (Owner of adjoining land; (S11, 12)); Thomas DeBow (Owner of adjoining lands; (S20, 507); (S16, 394); (S20, 456); (S20, 522)); Samuel Dove (Owner of adjoining lands; (S13, 11); Doves Mill Dam tract; (S3, 37)); Samuel Emley (Owner of adjoining land; (S11. 311)); Susan Faesch (Owner of adjoining land; (S20, 380)); John Johnston (Owner of adjoining land; (S7, 289)); Moses Laird (Moses and William Laird; Owners of adjoining land; (S9, 171)); Robert Montgomery (Deceased; Executors of; Owner of adjoining land; (S20, 369)); John Rattoone (Owner of adjoining lands; (S13, 135); (S13, 136); (S13.327)); Stephen Seabrook (Stephen and Thomas Seabrook; Owners of adjoining land; (S16, 432)); Thomas Seabrook (Stephen and Thomas Seabrook; Owners of adjoining land; (S16, 432))
LOCATIONS: East Jersey; Ocean; Alligator; The Alligator; Goshen; Jackson Township; Big Cripple; Creeple, Cripple; Old Field; Sandy Gully; Sandy Knoll; Stone Hill; Wild Cat Swamp; Dove Mill Branch; Doves Mill Brook; Toms River; Goshen Road; Bennetts Mill; Bowmans Bridge; Bridges; Coal Pit; Dams; Doves Mill; Mills; Mill Lots; Red Tavern; Roads, Streets, Highways, Paths; Taverns, Inns, Public Houses
S22 (EJ Surveys) : Folio 526-530 (PEASJ003)


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Interesting Mark. Some good old names there. It happens that it is the Dove Branch I'm looking at. I see both "alligator" and "the alligator". I wonder if it was a road with whoop-de-doos like we have now from motorcycles.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Somewhat interesting is the lidar view. The crosshairs are where the Alligator is written on the 1930 aerial sheet. The thing to the left is, well, an alligator?

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Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
The crosshairs are where the Alligator is written on the 1930 aerial sheet. The thing to the left is, well, an alligator?

Actually, that "alligator thing" is right under the "the"!

Screen Shot 2023-06-22 at 6.58.14 PM.png

No tax record for that parcel. But - funny - whatever it is - it's within the proximity zone I created for "The Alligator" (note the historical features data)

Screen Shot 2023-06-22 at 7.11.55 PM.png
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I think that might be a man-made swale to comply with runoff rules. But check out where they cleared to build the homes around there. Maybe they had to move stone at each one to level it.
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Jul 5, 2022
Gustav Kobbe has us covered in his guidebook to "The New Jersey Coast and Pines". The Alligator, as one might suspect from the definite article, was a tavern. "derived its name from the figure-head of a wrecked vessel, which was nailed to a tree opposite the tavern".

Seems straightforward enough, though in the next breath he attributes the name of the Seven Stars to an observation made by a guest through a hole in the roof. Innkeepers were as unlikely then as now to feature gross deficiencies of their establishment in advertising. I suspect whoever picked that sign was educated enough to know about the Pleiades, and the story of the hole a later back-formation, like the invention of "Hocking Mick".


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Hmmm. And I wonder, if these are actual taverns, why would their topographic maps eliminate the building? Although I now see they had no structures in this map when they called out a town. Convenient to do that.



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
And still, in what Mark posted, it refers to a mount, which the old topos do not depict.

"road from Joseph's Mount [land], called Alligator".