I bought my Nikon D810 in October 2014.
Being new to landscape photography and figuring I would learn as I go along, I slung it over one shoulder and climbed down onto the arm of an abandoned railroad trestle to get a better angle on some pilings in a salt water tidal stream near the Delaware Bay. Of course, I had to wave my arms to keep my balance, and watched my camera catapult into the air, then drop into the onrushing water.
The stream was deep, the water was salty, the month was November, but I stood there for a moment and almost jumped in fully clothed, to retrieve it. I'm glad that I didn't. Uninsured, new camera and new 16-35 mm Nikon lens.
There is also a 1.4 teleconverter somewhere at the bottom of a beaver dam in the Skit Branch.