Last night on a whim, after my domestic duties were complete and the children were abed, I decided to take a ride down to the Silver Fox Restaurant and Lounge to offer Foxy a birthday greeting, as she shares her special day with some one I'm very fond of.

I entered the parking lot at 11:40, and to my dismay, I was greeted by darkened neon. There was, however, another car parked next to the (in)famous sky blue caddy, so I pulled in. There was a silhouette at the front door that I assumed was locking the door. The shape then retreated into the darkness and to my delight, the sad Coors Light beacon in the window lit up with pride. I quickly killed my motor and hurried inside. It was not much brighter inside than it was in the parking lot, but two forms could be discerned. I queried, "I hope you didn't stay open just for me?" The response I received immediately put all my fears to rest and made me feel at home. "No, we just returned from dinner and are reopening for the night." At 11:45!! As I walked toward the bar, the younger of the two (Anita) informed me that today was Foxy's birthday. Beaming proudly, sitting on the "fun side" of the bar was a nicely dressed, somewhat elderly lady (Foxy). I informed them it was also my birthday, and that seemed to please the both of them greatly. Reading in previous posts that stated the liquor list was a little on the short side, I just ordered a Bud. The lid on the red Coleman cooler popped open and the ice chunks were expertly wiped off my bottle.

What a place! It was literally "ice cold", and tasted even better as it was "on the house". The ladies took to me as easily as I took to them, and the conversation just flowed.
I will not get into every detail, but many subjects were covered. From history and Prohibition, to the caddy, children, the Phillies, and especially the upcoming saurez on Sat. night to celebrate Foxy's b-day. Both Foxy and 'Nita spoke with pride on how they love to decorate the place for their various shin-digs throughout the year. There was certainly no lack of subjects to talk about. During the momentary pauses in the conversation, I would look around the room, taking it all in. The surreal feeling that George and Scott spoke of does creep up on you. My head was telling me it is 2009, but it could just as easily have been the 1960's (or '70's even). Hard to explain.
It's the little nuances of the place that make it feel different but comfortable. The ice-filled cooler, the darkened dining area, the old-school juke box, the living room lamp in the northern window or the empty till. The place even has an old style cigarette machine in the wind-break. For my second beer, I laid a Jackson on the bar before I noticed the empty cash drawer hanging half open. Appearing dismayed, 'Nita looked to Foxy for aid, who was promptly looking through her hand-bag for change. :rofl: I told them not to worry as I had a fin and a bunch of singles. They seemed relieved as the conversation revved back up.
So, my first adventure to the timeless Silver Fox Lounge was a wonderful treat. My proposed 15-20 minute birthday greeting turned into a (quick) hour and a half talk-fest. Not a single regret! Both ladies were extremely sweet and cordial; very easy to talk to. (I even had a birthday picture taken with Foxy that will be hanging on the wall.)

I had mentioned that "some folks" I know may be attending Saturday nights festivities. This seemed to please them both. I told the ladies that unfortunately, due to prior commitments, I will not be able to attend. If at all possible, I would recommend stopping in for a visit, at least once. If not for the party, then anytime that's convenient. (Hours 4pm-2pm weekdays/ 1pm-3am weekends) I would find it hard to believe if you were disappointed.
Thanx for "listening"
BTW- The missing "Silver Fox" sign in front is being redone, and should be completed soon. Issues with the insurance company have delayed the process.