The Front Page - State of the Forums Address

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Previously the "front page" (ie: and the forums ( were linked. They run different software - Drupal for the front page, and vBulletin for the forums. All of the articles and what not live in Drupal, but most people come here for the forums. Someone wrote a hacked up version of Drupal that would tie into vBulletin and allow things like sharing user data between the two parts of the site, and the most important thing, comments on articles that got posted. So every time I posted something on the front page of the site, it would automatically make a thread in the "Front Page Articles" forum, and anybody who commented on it would add to the comments that showed in Drupal.

Unfortunately the person/people who were working on maintaining that hacked up version of Drupal seem to have stopped working on it, or lost interest. Drupal moved to a new version with a lot of new features. So I had to decide if I was going to have new features for the front page site - as well as security updates - or if I wanted to keep the forums and the front page integrated.

I ultimately made the decision to split the two sites. So the front page with all of the articles are completely independent of the forums. If I post an article on the front page, the only way you guys will know - unless you browse the front page regularly - is if I made a thread here, which is what I will end up doing. And any comments you make in that thread won't show up as comments on the article on the front page. It was a hard decision to make (I had blogged about it a bit in my blog) but in the long run, I think it's for the best.

I actually envision a time where my involvement with running the forums on a day to day basis is much less, as I would much rather devote more time to research, exploring, and writing for the front page. I'm very happy to have Teegate here as he does a LOT of work to keep this place running smoothly. It would be a mess if it was just me doing it.

The site has evolved a lot over the last 7 years or so that I've been running it. I believe that right now it's the best that it's ever been. This is in no small part to the great community of people who come here and post. I just provide the server and the software -- what you guys do with it is what really has made this place what it is. There's not a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for all of the contributions that people have made.

So, here's to a great 2009 and beyond.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
From the heart Ben ...Sweet! I am happy to help out and as I have said before I am here for the long run. I have confidence your decisions on the site will be the correct and best solution.

Apr 6, 2004
Ben said:
I actually envision a time where my involvement with running the forums on a day to day basis is much less, as I would much rather devote more time to research, exploring, and writing for the front page.

That's where it's at. More power to you.

You guys do great work.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Thanks Ben, and to all those that assist, I know running a site is a labor of love. I have not been here very long, but I have been to many sites that try to accomplish similar things for various subject matter. By far, this one is the most successful at making a visitors job enjoyable and much easier in finding what is offered. From well written articles, news, maps from all years, to photos and to friendly folks willing to help those that ask or point them in the right direction, its all here on a site that is pleasing to the eye as well.
Oct 25, 2006
Thanks Ben, if i cannot go the Pines in my Jeep, the Pine Barrens are just one click away.

Like Allstate, we're in good hands with TeeGate.



Jul 29, 2003
Best place on the World Wide Web, in my opinion. This is thanks to Ben, Guy and the entire cast of characters. Mostly, though, it's our shared passion; the barrens. Jim's right -- they live where they are, and here.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Trust me, if it was not for Guy, this site would not be 1/4 of what it is. He deserves the lion share of the credit for this place. I am just the man behind the curtain.

I can't really take any credit. The site anymore practically runs itself because we do have a much more intelligent and mature group of people who frequent it. However, I do appreciate the complement Ben. Thank you!



Jan 13, 2006
Ben and Guy,
Although I've never met either of you (to my knowledge), I've had many good outings based on postings here, and many hours of good reading. Just to let you guys know that I really enjoy the site and appreciate all the time and effort that you put in to it.

tom m

Jan 9, 2006
I'll also second what Piker56 said, Thanks for all the Hard work put into this site,Not that I need them but it has given me even more reasons to be out there Enjoying the Pines. Tom


Dec 11, 2005

I'll also second what Piker56 said, Thanks for all the Hard work put into this site,Not that I need them but it has given me even more reasons to be out there Enjoying the Pines. Tom

Amen my brothers----only problem is, it's just a short hike up the RR trax !!! LOL!!!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I can't live without this site. Seriously. The Pines are my passion, and if this site were to suddenly be a blank screen in front of me I'd wail like a little kid and mourn like a motherless child. Where would I go?

One thing I really like about this site is that it's an oasis to escape to whenever the nastiness and shallowness on the blogs and other internet sites gets me down and feeling like the human race is really and truly going to the crapper. Well, maybe it is, but here there are good friends and good conversation about topics we all love and are interested in.

I can tell I rub some the wrong way when I speak my mind on this site. I thank you for putting up with me, and please always realize that in person I am really a nice guy. I just like having fun with some. Those that realize it and come back at me just as strong really make my day.

Yes, here's to a great 2009 and beyond. Thanks for all that you do Ben and Guy.