The Magical Land of Lahaway


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
From the latest part:

"Let me, however, impress one fact upon every reader of this paper. All mankind are not honest and simple hearted. Even now there are men trying to sell stock in companies formed to search for oil in New Jersey. Nothing is so easy as to work with O. P. money (Other People's money). At best such promoters intend to get profit without cost to themselves. At worst-well, in the past there have been some notorious swindles. No matter what money we sink, we shall get no return from treasure found on some other man's property. He himself will take it all, unless he, in turn, is wheedled out of it."

Replace New Jersey with....Artic Wildlife Preserve.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BobM said:
"The field orchid, the deep purple Habernaria, comes in July"


Count me in! But I am willing to bet it will be when I may be away just like the false asphodel :(



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
From the latest:

"It is man's practice to hunt for pure pleasure. "It is such a pleasant day," says he, "let us go out and shoot something."

Reminds me of a hunting show I was watching Saturday morning while channel surfing. I belive it was West Virginia or Arkansas. It was a man and a woman bow hunting. They both had on their best camoflauge gear from head to toe, looked sharp and youthfully vibrant in the camera's eye. She even had makeup on, a comely blonde if ever I saw one, her golden tresses spilling out from under a cameo ball cap. They had only the best hounds with them, and they were tracking the dreaded wild boar.

Suddenly the dogs had 2 boars corned in a little mud wallow at the bottom of a hill with no way out. The 2 boars huddled together in obvious confusion. With a smile revealing her pearly white teeth, and heavy-metal rock music screeching in the background, the blonde beauty calmly sunk a couple of well placed arrows in the little boar. This happened while the guitarist hit a long wailing note, the drums crashing in right on time.

This is really happening on TV? I immediately changed the channel in disgust.