Trails in wharton

Joseph Hayes

New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Ive been exploring wharton alot the past year on some of the existing trails ( not batona or the commonly hiked ones) but the ones that the jeeps/atvs use. Ive got to say wharton is beautiful, but the state needs some better trail maintenance. I dont mind the ATV/Dirtbike use, in fact i would love for the state to designate trails for these and maintain them and direct them out of any sensitive areas. For you guys out there exploring by OHV or ATV where are some open areas where you can rest/relax at while out and about, GPS coordinates preffered

Joseph Hayes

New Member
Mar 13, 2013
im pretty sure that the unpaved roads are legal....they are named and traveled on by others. Anyway i cant walk from my house im an hour away. But back to what i was asking, is there a spot where its more of a gathering to meet up with others, perhaps an area that you could stop and eat something without being in the way of others and out of trouble?


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Welcome to the site. As 1.jersey devil mentioned ATV s are completely illegal on state land. Trucks and registered/insured motorcycles are. I have a motorcycle and truck. There are different opinions on trail maintenance. Some feel that the state has an obligation to keep all roads maintained since they are public. Others (like myself) recognize Wharton as a wilderness area and don't feel the state should have to maintain every road.

As it is, the state does, or does it's best to maintain roads that are often traveled and there is some recreational development in areas that attract more people, like near the ranger stations and large lakes.

I'm not 100% clear on what you are asking about the open space meeting place. If you mean a spot that ORV people get together, there are places, but when this happens it is usually trouble, well, always trouble environmentally speaking. If you are asking about places you could get together with friends and eat/rest/meet up. there are hundreds of spots, just check out satellite images. Oswego lake is a nice spot if you are totally legal. Happy trails!

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Joseph Hayes

New Member
Mar 13, 2013
woodjin, yea it would be a spot for ORV use to hang out at, i dont think it would be trouble enviromentally? I passed the last inspection at the DMV.....


Feb 14, 2009
woodjin, yea it would be a spot for ORV use to hang out at, i don't think it would be trouble environmentally? I passed the last inspection at the DMV.....

I used to be involved in 4wd's in the early '70's when there were 4wd clubs that put on club rides and legal competition events in gravel pits. I've long been out of the scene since I got involved in motorcycle riding. What I'm leading to is I'm not aware of any particular area 4wd's regularly gather and meet. There are still 4wd clubs around I imagine and it would not be unusual for club members to plan a ride and meet at a specific place for that day only. I've been out of touch so I can't help with locating a club.

What Woodjin is referring to as environmentally sensitive are unorganized outlaw groups of ATV's and 4wd's gathering in a sensitive area, always a wet area, to do doughnuts, slinging mud and in general just destroying the land. You may find them in some gravel pits, but most pits are privately owned and they're trespassing. There are some area's on public land which I will not share which is also illegal on what they do and are known by the rangers and patrolled.

Sadly the only off road park in Chatsworth was closed that catered to mud trucks and motocross riders. That was a "gathering" spot. The new ORV park in Woodbine is a crime if not a total joke and does not include 4wd's.
If your just looking for friends to explore and enjoy the pines riding in your 4wd I think you may find some here to meet up with.

Joseph Hayes

New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Yes that park in woodbine is to me a let down, its more of a sand pit to do some circles, doughnuts and jumps. Im not in to that with either my truck or ATV. Really just prefer trails with both my vehicles. No harm in riding on an existing trail with my truck or ATV, but not here to argue on that. Ive got a few guys from my fire departmen with trucks and we were looking to take a scenic route through the woods down there thats why i was looking for a decent spot to rest at.


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Welcome Joe,
As other have mentioned, ATVs are completely illegal on all state land in NJ, except the new park they opened, which will soon be privately owned. Dual sports are allowed in Wharton with registration, inspection, and a license. As much as I enjoy walking the pines, I also enjoy riding my Polaris Sportsman ATV. I try to stay out of the state parks due to the park police and find it much easier to get away with riding in WMAs. There are many with ATVs who enjoy mudding them up and tearing trails up, but I can honestly say I drive mine slow and use it soley for hunting purposes and to get from point A to point B while enjoying a slow cruise in the woods. As a rule of thumb, I stay on already designated trails and roads and never ride in the brush. I absolutely hate to see people driving through fragile swamplands and creating new trails in the brush. I would guess many people on this site are against the use of ATVs in our parks and WMAs, but I honestly feel if you're there just to cruise and leave things as you found them, there's really no harm or damage done to the woods. Driving at night can also be fun and I find there is much less of a chance to bump into the park police or wardens. There are many areas to explore if you check out the maps. Good luck, drive safe, and leave it like you found it.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Welcome Joe,
As other have mentioned, ATVs are completely illegal on all state land in NJ, except the new park they opened, which will soon be privately owned. Dual sports are allowed in Wharton with registration, inspection, and a license. As much as I enjoy walking the pines, I also enjoy riding my Polaris Sportsman ATV. I try to stay out of the state parks due to the park police and find it much easier to get away with riding in WMAs. There are many with ATVs who enjoy mudding them up and tearing trails up, but I can honestly say I drive mine slow and use it soley for hunting purposes and to get from point A to point B while enjoying a slow cruise in the woods. As a rule of thumb, I stay on already designated trails and roads and never ride in the brush. I absolutely hate to see people driving through fragile swamplands and creating new trails in the brush. I would guess many people on this site are against the use of ATVs in our parks and WMAs, but I honestly feel if you're there just to cruise and leave things as you found them, there's really no harm or damage done to the woods. Driving at night can also be fun and I find there is much less of a chance to bump into the park police or wardens. There are many areas to explore if you check out the maps. Good luck, drive safe, and leave it like you found it.

Looks like the downward spiral has begun.

Imagine what those WMA's would look like if all hunters broke the law as you do. Wouldn't look so wild, the GSP on a Friday evening in the summer comes to mind.

And it is against the regs, as you already know :D

"Restricted Hours
Wildlife Management Areas are closed from 9 p.m. until 5 a.m. unless engaged in lawful hunting, fishing or trapping activities. Special permission may be granted for division approved activities.

Motor Vehicles
No person shall operate an unregistered vehicle on roads under the control of the Division of Fish and Wildlife. All motor vehicles are restricted to established public roads and parking areas. The use of dog sleds and dog carts, off-road vehicles, ATVs, trailbikes or snowmobiles is prohibited on all Wildlife Management Areas unless authorized by the Division. "


Apr 4, 2011
I sold my Honda 250R many years ago because I was frustrated with being unable to find riding areas. As the building boom consumed all available land in the late eighties and early nineties, most of the riding areas disappeared just as fast as the valuable open land. Names such as Channel 53, Woodchips, Marker 17, Chastworth or Flatlands are now just a piece of the stories between long time friends reminiscing about the smell of a stroke at the local water hole. I believe all of us, at one time or another, have spun a reed engine to dizzying rpms while zipping down a pine road. I just got tired of the hassles of finding some place to ride legally and with out being harassed, so I went through the trouble of getting an "M" put on my license. At least ten years has passed since I had to worry about where to ride. A license plate on a buddy's Husky 510 with a full tank of gas and a GPS are all I need now for hours of fun - of course if work is permitting. As always tread lightly!!!

Joseph Hayes

New Member
Mar 13, 2013
Pineymike, I do agree, No harm in riding on existing trails, I know when im out riding an ATV i will stay on trails already created, it does no more harm than a foot print. However it chaps my ass when i see people out there doing doughnuts and crossing swamps, that to me is the real issue. Thanks for the replies guys. I dont think anything when towards a downward spiral. We all enjoy the pines in our own seperate ways. Id much rather see pine trees than paved lots and im sure we can all agree, OHV enthusiasts and hikers alike.


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I sold my Honda 250R many years ago because I was frustrated with being unable to find riding areas. As the building boom consumed all available land in the late eighties and early nineties, most of the riding areas disappeared just as fast as the valuable open land. Names such as Channel 53, Woodchips, Marker 17, Chastworth or Flatlands are now just a piece of the stories between long time friends reminiscing about the smell of a stroke at the local water hole. I believe all of us, at one time or another, have spun a reed engine to dizzying rpms while zipping down a pine road. I just got tired of the hassles of finding some place to ride legally and with out being harassed, so I went through the trouble of getting an "M" put on my license. At least ten years has passed since I had to worry about where to ride. A license plate on a buddy's Husky 510 with a full tank of gas and a GPS are all I need now for hours of fun - of course if work is permitting. As always tread lightly!!!

I hear ya. Husky 510...nice bike. Actually better than those two strokes. If you want a legal two stroke, you could always get an old yamaha dt, they are grandfathered in. I see a vintage bike now and then and it always makes me look twice.

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Apr 4, 2011
Husky 510...nice bike.

Yes, it is a very nice bike. My neighbor changed the gearing so he can use it for getting around town. The bike is still a bear in the woods and can wear you out because of the power. I have been surprised more than once by the speed it is able to deliver. I have looked down and seen numbers such as 82 or 85 on the lcd speedo on the "longer" stretches of straight track. Intoxicating!:)


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
Looks like the downward spiral has begun.

Imagine what those WMA's would look like if all hunters broke the law as you do. Wouldn't look so wild, the GSP on a Friday evening in the summer comes to mind.

And it is against the regs, as you already know :D
You have to be kidding me. And you walk to all these WMAs and places within, right? Highly doubt it. Tell me the physical difference of damage done between me taking my quad to a WMA and you in a car/truck? I can legally drive my V8 4X4 pick-up all over WMAs, but you think my little polaris 500 is going to ruin the same roads? Get real. I take my truck to every WMA I hunt or fish at and that does way more damage than my quad. They are perfectly legal in many states and its just another stupid NJ law. Id be all for laws on staying within designated trails and roads, but until that happens, I will have to ride illegally and do so with a smile knowing that Im not harming anything. Hypocrytical comment on your part I believe.