Trails in wharton


Jan 30, 2009
Bamber Lake
I'll also say that I certainly don't think all state parks and WMAs should be open to ATVs, but see nothing wrong with opening some of the roads in certain areas to registered and insured vehicles. Greenwood for example is huge, and ATVs ride through there already regularly. Why not open just some of the dirt roads for ATV use? I've seen jeeps and jacked-up trucks do all kinds of damage back there, but its illegal for me to ride to my favorite hunting spot? I dont know, just doesnt seem right to me. Im all for conservation, but I see no difference between trucks and jeeps in comparison to ATVs that adhere to the same rules. Nightime is a different story, but I think most of us have broken that rule in a car or truck in the woods. No harm, no foul IMO. 46er, I hope this doesnt come across as a bunch of rude comments, but I just disagree with a lot of your points and think the whole concept of allowing trucks but no ATVs is hypocritical.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Do cycles have to be loud or do their owners just prefer them that way?Thats my biggest problem with cycles is I don't want to know your out there and where your at three miles away.I have enough noise with big trucks on 206 and airplanes and the bombing range.If people quiet their bikes down they actually might be able to catch me doing something i shouldn't,as it is I disappear long before they get to me.

Jersey Jeff

Jun 22, 2012
Do cycles have to be loud or do their owners just prefer them that way?Thats my biggest problem with cycles is I don't want to know your out there and where your at three miles away.I have enough noise with big trucks on 206 and airplanes and the bombing range.If people quiet their bikes down they actually might be able to catch me doing something i shouldn't,as it is I disappear long before they get to me.

I live next door to a Harley-Davidson dealer. It's not pleasant during the warmer months. :mad:

Jersey Jeff

Jun 22, 2012
Was it there when you moved in? If so, probably should have though of that beforehand. Otherwise, that doesnt sound fun, and I like Harleys. Just not next door all day long.

Yes, it was, and the owner is actually a really great guy. It was worse when my son was an infant and we were trying to get him to sleep.

I also live next to RR tracks, which are really cool most of the time until the work crews do maintenance on the tracks at 2 a.m. in the summer.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
Yes, it was, and the owner is actually a really great guy. It was worse when my son was an infant and we were trying to get him to sleep.

I also live next to RR tracks, which are really cool most of the time until the work crews do maintenance on the tracks at 2 a.m. in the summer.

NJ does have a noise control statue, generally 65dBA from 7-10am and 50dBA from 10-7pm, unless your town has stricter levels. Might want to ask the owner what level his business is putting out, he may not be aware of it. There are exemptions and RR maintenance is one of them. dBA meters go for around $20. Ear plugs may help ;)


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
46er, I hope this doesnt come across as a bunch of rude comments, but I just disagree with a lot of your points and think the whole concept of allowing trucks but no ATVs is hypocritical.

I don't consider them rude at all Mike, just misguided. If you feel strongly about your opnions , you might consider working toward having changes made to the existing laws/regs you do not agree with. Until they do change, you, and others like you, are just setting a bad example.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I live next door to a Harley-Davidson dealer. It's not pleasant during the warmer months. :mad:
I work in an environment that without earplugs I would go deaf.I can't understand why people would choose to enjoy decibels at that level.I'm against making new trails through bogs and swamps but if they'd tone down the decibels on their bikes I'd have no problem with bikes riding the barrens after all I drive the same roads with my truck but I can and have pulled right up to people in the barrens who had their backs to me and got withing thirty feet of them before they heard me,it would be nice if they could do the same with dirt bikes.