trip report for 8-2 and 8-3-03


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I went out this weekend with the intention of revisiting some old sites and finding some new ones I’ve found out about off this website. Let me start with Friday night
All we did this night since it was getting dark and this was more or less a joy ride we headed for apple pie hill with the intention of finding this Dr. Whites sanitorium I found out about on this site. By the time we got to apple pie hill it was slap dark but on the way I showed my buddy Charles Wills grave and we stopped at eagle tavern which was new for both of us. I had drove this road before but if was before the sign was put up and was under the assumption that the tavern was closer to Wills grave. found the cellar holes in deep twilight and really set them hound dogs off at the house behind the hill.
Saturdays report. First went to clarks landing and searched out an old cemetery that I had noticed marked on the topo a long time ago but when I had looked for it the high ground disappeared in a reed jungle. Now I have a gps and marked it on my topo cd and then transported it onto the gps and away I went. Yes the trail is gone and you do wind up in a reed jungle but then I would of turned back the gps told me it was another 100 yards thru the jungle. The trail on the islands, theirs two of them is still lightly visible but the trail in the marsh is gone. The road outta here originally must have succumbed to rising tide levels. The graveyard holds two stones and the only thing I could read on the horizontal stones was the date 1863 on one. couldn’t tell if it was born or died. flashlight would of helped bring it out. Does anyone know anything about this graveyard? If so let us know.
Then I headed for calico a new one for me. Found two cellar holes a big and little one and some brick and a lot of corrugated tin. Never found the massive brick field shown on the pics on this site. Where is it? I was right next to a beaver pond on beaver creek past a flooded spot on the road. was I in the right place?
Next I went to apple pie hill and this time found Dr. Whites which was awesome since I had been so close to it so many times. drove right by it dozens of times. Then it was off to pasadena to see if I could find the terra cotta factory. no luck, didn’t know where to look once I got to Pasadena so I headed to Buckingham which was a repeat for me. Awesome cellar hole back under huge spruce. then I went and found Pomeroy’s crossroads. what happened here? when? Didn’t appear to be any foundations are people plants around. Then we called it a day.
Sunday I headed for Oswego lake and checked out the ruins past the lake on the same side of the road. I forget what this place is called. Used to know. What is it? When? As you see I am pretty good with maps but have to bone up on my history. I know the popular spots like Martha ,Harrisville and Washington but these little spots I’m clueless. Then I proceeded across 72 and went to red Oak grove a new one for me. Didn’t see any people plants or anything there of note. woods were more oak then pine a lotta red oak but no ruins. Went to ruins on right past red oak grove in an old field is this half way? My gps marks half way further up by the clay pits. I always find old sewer pipe in this area but have never found the reported graveyard hid in the woods in this area. Any Clues? Then I headed for aserdaten a new one for me. Found the piece of rusted iron pictured in the gallery. What is it? I found a old ditch like trail that did a U turn right behind the iron piece and headed up the hill. I followed both forks about 100 yards back. on the left fork is a clearing. No sign of people other then the iron and the trail. The trail may have been an old fire break.
Also stopped at eureka gun club. Found ruins and was going to look for the boundary stones but the brass was chest high and not having a clue figured I’d save it for winter. any help with the boundary stones?. Then went out and checked boyd’s hotel north of whiting. found cellar holes old field and man plants. nice little stream just past it too then ft dix. too many bad memories of that place. I turned around and headed out. Any info on this place .I found it on a old map downloaded off this site.
That’s all for the weekend.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
You do get around Al. I liked reading your report, but man, the questions! Who went with you? What kind of vehicle do you drive?



I know a little about that gravesite. Those are the graves of, from left to right, Thomas and Ruth Clark. They died in 1752 and 1745 respectively. They were settlers of the settlement that became known as Clark's Landing, which I know very little about. I was just there a couple months ago, which was my second or third time. Did you find the little boardwalk before the last island that the graves are actually on? One plank was either broken or missing when we were there. That's a neat place.
manumuskin said:
Saturdays report. First went to clarks landing and searched out an old cemetery that I had noticed marked on the topo a long time ago but when I had looked for it the high ground disappeared in a reed jungle. Now I have a gps and marked it on my topo cd and then transported it onto the gps and away I went. Yes the trail is gone and you do wind up in a reed jungle but then I would of turned back the gps told me it was another 100 yards thru the jungle. The trail on the islands, theirs two of them is still lightly visible but the trail in the marsh is gone. The road outta here originally must have succumbed to rising tide levels. The graveyard holds two stones and the only thing I could read on the horizontal stones was the date 1863 on one. couldn’t tell if it was born or died. flashlight would of helped bring it out. Does anyone know anything about this graveyard? If so let us know.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Regarding Calico, the cellar holes you found sound like the ruins of the Ellis Adams Farmhouse. If you continued down that road for a mile or so, the "brick field" ruins are on your left.

Regarding the spot where you found the road flooded and the beaver pond, I believe that's where most people THINK Calico is because of Tom Neigel's geocache located there. BarryC claims that he found the ruins of a building near there but I was never able to find it.

Regarding Pasadena... er, the Brooksbrae Brick Company, do a search on the forums for "Pasadena Directions" - it should come up with several posts that I gave very detailed directions to find the site.

I don't think Red Oak Grove ever had people living there. Read the this article for more info on Half Way, Red Oak Grove, and Union Clay Works. The field you found were Union Clay Works. There should have been some cellar holes in the field there.


Jul 18, 2003
Sparta, NJ
I must have just missed you as I was in several of the place you went to.

First I noticed that just before you get to Apple Pie Hill, there are two brick pillars in what appears to look like a small driveway. I'm not talking about the pillars when you're make the right from 542. This is just before you get to the hill. I parked there because, one again, I need a smaller SUV. So, I decided to walk back there but changed my mind because I had to two small ones with me and was afraid of them getting ticks; they were wearing shorts.

We did climb the tower. What a view

We then proceeded to Paisley and met up with a friendly old man who lives right where the sign says Paisley. He told me a few stories about when he used to climb the tower as a boy. He says he meet Beck in Chatsworth and that Beck gave him a book. Hmmm.

We then, once again, tried to find Calico but had no luck. I'm going to have to look at my maps a little bit better. All I know is that we were heading in from 563 south to 679 and saw a big lake. Shorty after that, there's a turn we made and followed that road until the end. This road has a fork and we stayed left and followed it to the end. There, I found some old tires but found something odd that looked like a rusted out machinery of some sort. Has anyone else been back there?

Also, what is everyone using (vehicle) to make their way through these areas. I feel like bringing hedge cutters as I can't fit down some of these roads without getting hit on both side. Nah, just kiddding. I wouldn't cut anything.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
to answer some questions I drive a suzuki vitara 4by4 and I don"t care about the scratches.give me a trail just a little wider then a 4 wheeler would make and I can do truck looks like it"s been thru a war.
Bruset I wanted this in the ghost town forum.I must of messed up,thanks for moving it for me.
thanks for all the links,I"ll check them out after appears I didnt go far enough down the road to make it to calico.
thanks for the info on that graveyard,yes i did find the bridge.i treaded carefully,looks like it could break.keep our weight over the side bars.I didnt make a trail,i like this place and dont want a trail to it.
njvike i bel;ieve the road your talking about is 532,542 is down at batsto.
yes i get around.I love maps and old places,just need to brush up on my history.I"m a veteran bushwacker and swamp mucker.thanks for the links and keep it coming:)


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
njvike said:
First I noticed that just before you get to Apple Pie Hill, there are two brick pillars in what appears to look like a small driveway. I'm not talking about the pillars when you're make the right from 542. This is just before you get to the hill.


Those pillars along with the two along 532 were for the development that was planned there called Chatsworth Woods. The photo in this post is a 1949 map that gives you an idea of it. Since the little black squares represent buildings, there must have been some sort of construction that actually went on or the map company was using paper records to place the info on the maps. It would be interesting to do an excursion there in the fall to see if any of the foundations were actually built.

Notice the squares at Apple Pie Hill which represent the buildings for Dr. White's Pine Crest Sanitarium. The fire tower was placed there in 1950 so when this map was made they were using the roof of the building on the top of the hill for spotting. All that remains of that building on the top of the hill today is the circular cement foundation that the sign there is now inside of. There was another building that was built there most likely by the state, but it was burned and destroyed a few years after I visited. The other foundation just below the hill had much more there when I first visited in 1973. If you dig you may still be able to find the needles that I found when we dug there with my friends metal detector.



Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I"m a dummy

I just checked my modern day topo and the sanitarium is show on it.coulda saved myself the trouble of looking for it.Your right njvike their probably are more foundations.I thought I was the only one who looked for houses on topos out in the boonies and then went sniffin for cellar holes:)
manumuskin said:
Then I headed for calico a new one for me. Found two cellar holes a big and little one and some brick and a lot of corrugated tin. Never found the massive brick field shown on the pics on this site. Where is it? I was right next to a beaver pond on beaver creek past a flooded spot on the road. was I in the right place?



I think so. I was there today. The 1885 topo map that can be found in the 'Map Archives' shows it there. On the right side of the road past the puddle I saw the cellar holes and corrigated metal and lots of brick. On the left side of the road, which the map actually shows as Calico, there were some clearings and some neat dead trees. I didn't explore that side much as our plan was to hike well beyond that. Just a little further up on the right I found what looked to be an old bog operation. I crossed the stream where a pallet had been conveniently placed and walked between the pond and the swamp for a short distance before returning to continue our hike.
The photos in the gallery titled 'Calico' seem to be that of the site down Oswego road past Ellis Adams farm house on the left.
