Two Wheelin In The Pines ?


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
I'm sold on 4wd. I feel too limited with only 2wd. It is true that much of the woods is possible in 2wd but you have to put it in perspective. I could go 20 miles and only engage my 4 wd twice, but if I didn't have the 4wd I would have been out of luck at the first obsticle. See what I mean?

and of course some areas (the great swamp) are 4wd only. On the other hand, my 1wd motorcycle will get me anywhere.

I think there are alot of good suggestions here. In any case, get yourself a hand winch. It is the single best getting unstuck tool there is. it is about 1/4 the cost of getting towed out also.

Glad to hear you took garbage out with you on your trip on the Wading!! Very cool!!



Mar 9, 2007
When I first started driving the woods there were no 4 wheel drives.We did pretty well.4-wheel drives make it much easier.Thats for sure.


Apr 2, 2005
Little Egg Harbor
Back when I had the most time to explore the woods I did it in a plain old 2x4 pickup. I kept a chain and come-a-long behind the seat and felt pretty safe. Before I attempted an iffy looking puddle I just looked around first for the tree I'd need if I got stuck. If there wasn't one, I'd turn around. My next two trucks were 4x4s, but I still found it satisfying to get through sticky situations without locking the hubs. I guess off-roaders can be divided into two groups, those who need to use their 4x4 and those who WANT to use their 4x4. :)


Feb 18, 2008
SJ and SW FL
2 wheel drive

You can drive all day long and never need 4 wheel drive, if you know which roads to use. I've had 4 wheel drive vehicles for 25 years and nearly always use 2 wheel drive. I usually only use the 4x4 in my Ranger to just exercise it and spin the grease, but there are times due to weather and road conditions where it is required. As summer progresses the sugar sand gets worse, and in the spring and winter puddles can be a big problem.
If you do not have a 4x4 do not think twice about turning around when confronted with a questionable road, but if you do chance it always keep the wheels moving, do not take your foot of the gas. If the front wheels stop spinning, they start plowing which gets you stuck.

Jeep Beep

New Member
Feb 27, 2009
i could go there a lot of trails in 2wd with no problem. I hate putting wear on my transfer case so i only use 4wd when i need to. Four wheel drive is a life saver, without it the sugarsand will grab ahold of ya.


Sep 10, 2008
I know one thing, nobody will be 2 wheelin between Caranza Rd and High Crossing. That stretch of road is almost impossible to get thru because 4 wheelers (trucks) have screwed it up. I came thru there today around 4pm and it was terrible. The little hill on the road is covered with deep ruts.


Sep 10, 2003
the final outpost
I know one thing, nobody will be 2 wheelin between Caranza Rd and High Crossing. That stretch of road is almost impossible to get thru because 4 wheelers (trucks) have screwed it up. I came thru there today around 4pm and it was terrible. The little hill on the road is covered with deep ruts.
I did it today..twice actually..up and down and never spun a tire. Taller tires offer that luxury. It is rutted out. About the only time its not is during the summer droughts.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I go that road all the time in my car. I don't recall it being bad there.



Sep 10, 2008
I can honestly say I have never seen it that bad at the little hill ever. When I came thru it is a rutted sloppy mess. I passed 3 trucks at High Crossing covered with the same color mud as is on the hill. They must have just been there tearing it up.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
I know one thing, nobody will be 2 wheelin between Caranza Rd and High Crossing. That stretch of road is almost impossible to get thru because 4 wheelers (trucks) have screwed it up. I came thru there today around 4pm and it was terrible. The little hill on the road is covered with deep ruts.

hey, chill out before you go blaming anyone. the 2 wheel drive vehicles tear this piss out of these areas. where i can happily go in 4 wheel a 2 wheel drive has to tear ass to get threw. in all reality 2 wheel drives weren't meant for the woods anyway. think before you speak

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
I can honestly say I have never seen it that bad at the little hill ever. When I came thru it is a rutted sloppy mess. I passed 3 trucks at High Crossing covered with the same color mud as is on the hill. They must have just been there tearing it up.

there are about 5 spots local to there with the same color mud. one of them being very local to high crossing. don't just assume.. none of the trucks were me, but any other given sunday it probably would have been.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
most of the times the roads that are usually in good shape that get tore up during wet times. are from out of towners and kids mostly in 2 wheel drives. I have pulled many out. don't get me wrong we do have some idiots around here. however most of them are into hunting and fishing and other things out in the woods and won't tear up the main trails due to the fact that their familys and selves rely on them roads. Dont belive me??????? start going out there everyday esp nights and weekends.


Sep 10, 2008
I have been going into the pines since I was kid in the late 60's. I have been in the woods at any and all times and have seen many things.I know when people are tearing up roads. The spot I am speaking of has never been this tore up. Hey I do not mind if people want to go muddin but to tear up a main road so now the average guy can not get into the woods is stupid. As for 2 wheel drives, I ahve been all over the pines in them without tearing it up. It is not the type of vehical it is the person driving it.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
i agree with being able to get a 2 wheel drive around. crap i have my saturn out where most people wouldn't think of taking lifted 4x4s. i will also say that some of the spots i have taken my saturn that involved some gas pedal. i would have crawled with 4x4. alot of people get determined to get where they are headed without turning around. when an area may get a little slimy a 2 wheel drive pickup will tear the ass out of it trying to get up hill. I just really don't appreciate it being blamed on the mudders instantly. esp if you have been going in the pines since the 60s, you should know that whole area consists of the same distinct color mud. you should also know that if they were at high crossing there was a 90% chance they were at a more popular spot than the main trail.
Wading River

Hey BubbaMax.

That boat you mentioned (metal life boat) has been there since launched from Wading Pines campground 30+ years ago. The Pilings you mention is an area called the tumbling dam and was constructed for diverting water to Harrisvile for the old mill. Until recently, it formed a flat topped dam that held back enough water to help keep the River navagatable. It was actually the base of the original dam. Just below Evans bridge is another area of pilings that was the base of the original bridge.
First off, what an incredibly awesome site this is. Inspired by a recent camping trip to the area, I came home, found this site and have been reading for weeks and becoming deeply interested in the area and its history. Thanks to all for their contributions.

I took this information and made my first journey last week visiting Apple Pie Hill, Harrisville, Martha Furnace and Lake Oswego, all with information gained here.

While I did not encounter any soft areas (basic two wheel drive F-150 being driven here) on the above journeys, I'll admit to some nervousness being new to exploring the area. My question is if it is safe to assume most of the off-roads can be travelled without four wheel drive or was I simply lucky? Also if anyone could identify roads they feel may be a safe bet or those that I may just want to stay clear of. I would appreciate any information very much.

This weekend I'm looking forward to my first canoe trip on one of the rivers in the area!


Uhm I dont know what happened here but Bubba Didn't write this or the other reply's in this thread. somehow his avatar and info got mixed up with jerseybills avatar and info


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Yea, I am not sure what is going on. I suspect there have been server problems. I will write Ben and he may be able to figure it out.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

It has been confirmed by Ben that your only option is to delete the posts. The server crash caused this and it can't be fixed. So if you want to delete you have two options as far as I can tell. Let me know which posts you want deleted and I will do it, or tell me the threads that Bubba started, but really didn't, and I will delete the entire thread.
