For a few years a group of us have been woking on a project and today was this years addition.
One of the participants in this project has the most excellent vision and noticed this in the far distance which nobody noticed in all the many times we have been there. Obviously, we had to check it out. Jessica even climbed into this one which in my memory is the first time that has occurred. It was complete with all the necessities to enjoy oneself including condoms! Video's to come.
Jessica on her way back down.
And once she reached the bottom Bob informed her she had not closed the door. Back up she went. I took the photo so quick my lens cover was not fully open.
Bog Asphodel
I love taking photo's of this tree
And finially, I was playing around with my sun glasses and took these two photo's of a bladderwort. The polorizing really does impove the look on bright sunny days. Compare the next two.
For a few years a group of us have been woking on a project and today was this years addition.
One of the participants in this project has the most excellent vision and noticed this in the far distance which nobody noticed in all the many times we have been there. Obviously, we had to check it out. Jessica even climbed into this one which in my memory is the first time that has occurred. It was complete with all the necessities to enjoy oneself including condoms! Video's to come.
Jessica on her way back down.
And once she reached the bottom Bob informed her she had not closed the door. Back up she went. I took the photo so quick my lens cover was not fully open.
Bog Asphodel

I love taking photo's of this tree


And finially, I was playing around with my sun glasses and took these two photo's of a bladderwort. The polorizing really does impove the look on bright sunny days. Compare the next two.