Wanted: Your Pine Barrens pictures

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I want to make a new set of images to use in the random banner that appears at the top of the site since the old images are too small. In the past it's mostly been made up of images that Guy and myself have taken. I'm accepting submissions from everyone else if they have a favorite photo or two that they'd like to see in the rotation.

What I ask for is:
  • An image that you own/have taken (for copyright reasons)
  • It's a good one.
  • There's enough visually interesting stuff that can be found within a 1000x100 pixel box inside the picture.
  • The picture you send is at least 1000 pixels wide.
  • I'd like to avoid pictures of people, families posing, etc.
  • The picture should showcase something interesting - wildlife, plantlife, ruins, or just a nice scenic landscape.
  • You're okay without being credited when the image displays. (It'd be a big change to the code that displays the images and I don't know where I'd put the text for it.)
If you have an image you'd like to send in for consideration, please send it over to bruset@njpinebarrens.com.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I want to make a new set of images to use in the random banner that appears at the top of the site since the old images are too small. In the past it's mostly been made up of images that Guy and myself have taken. I'm accepting submissions from everyone else if they have a favorite photo or two that they'd like to see in the rotation.

  • You're okay without being credited when the image displays. (It'd be a big change to the code that displays the images and I don't know where I'd put the text for it.)
If you have an image you'd like to send in for consideration, please send it over to bruset@njpinebarrens.com.

Ben, if folks need to have the credit, that can easily be done by that person in Windows using Paint and the text tool with a transparent background. Just an idea.