Went Kayaking Today on the Wading


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002

I took off from work today and a man I work with and Jessica kayaked the Wading river. I noticed that the Sweet Pepper Bush that Bob and Lorun mentioned was prevalent. We could smell it along the complete route. Hopefully I have the proper plant.


The water was low and the dam was really visible.


A view from the dam area.


A very nice day! Now back to work tomorrow :(



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
Guy, I saw your note on my windshield. What time did you stop by? You should have stopped it. Where did you put in and take out?


We were going to use Adams in Atsion and go down the Mullica, but yesterday they called me after I left two messages and an email and said they only do weekends now. So we had to switch gears and decided to do Speedwell to Evans Bridge and we called Pine Barrens. They said Speedwell was out because of low water, so we had to go with Hawkins to Beaver Branch which seems to me should be Beaver Run and not Beaver Branch.

Rob and I had done Hawkins to Evans and did not want to do it again after the incident we had before, but since we were going to Beaver Branch and Jessica and not traveled any of it we went with that. I can say that the water is low at Hawkins and things looked bleak, but it improves. The section from Evans to Beaver Branch is much nicer than the earlier section, and we might try tubes in that section next year. There were a bunch of senior citizens doing it today and they were having a good old time. I missed it but one woman slipped and had a good swim. Those old folks know how to have fun!

Anyway, we were heading home and I was pointing out to Rob where we had been, and there was your car. So I drove in and yelled for you but you did not come out. I thought you were right there but I was mistaken. I did not know who was there so I just quickly wrote the note on my dashboard and stuck it on your windshield. It was about 2:30 or so. As we were half way down the driveway the son was pulling in and we stopped. I asked if he was the son, he said yes, and I told him I knew you and had left a note. He told me to go back and knock, but we were trying to get home. All we would have said was Hi and headed on anyway most likely since Jessica was really tired. The last time she went it was raining hard all morning and all we did was maneuver. Today she had to work and those boney arms got a workout :)



Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
Hey Guy,
Glad you were able to get out and do some kayaking! I know the water levels have been low and I'm glad to hear you didn't get hung up on too many sand bars. Hope you all had a good time.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
long-a-coming said:
OK my request for rain was granted!!!!
the rain dance worked!!

It worked only in some area's. Where I work we had torrential rain and hail which was so loud on the roof it was hard to hear. On my way home there were trees down and the traffic was really slow. I arrive home and my wife thought I was telling stories. Hardly anything here.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
BEHR655 said:
I checked the Wading in Speedwell today. I would say it was about 1 foot lower than it was when I kayaked it in June.


That is quite a bit less water.
