Went to Buckingham today



I and an old co-worker went out Glass House Road and just kept driving. Guess where we ended up? Not at the railroad- we ended up at Mt. Misery! :D I guess we took a wrong fork somewhere.
After that we went to Buckingham, after a lot of trial-and-error with the dirt roads around there. Some weren't on the map and there was some private property. But we got there. Se saw all the crazy signs in the yard and on the trees. We backed up and got the heck out of there!
Then later on we went to see Marylin again at Buzby's. That was nice.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
Buckingham pics

Manumuskin, what field are you talking about? The road that leads to Buckingham is right by the railroad right of way. There's an intersection that brings you across the tracks and then runs back into the woods. There's no room for a field near there. If you can, show me on a topo map where you're talking about.

I found a large cellar hole there but didn't see any bricks.


Your pictures show a field with trees in it. That looks like the one we saw.
We saw everything that is in your pictures, but we didn't get out and walk around when we saw the field. So we didn't see the fence, or any cellar holes. We didn't want to be out of the truck for very long. If I remember correctly the field was right there by those couple of houses.
And by the way, there are no tracks there anymore. I don't know if they were there when you were there, but they aren't there now. We drove on the railroad right-of-way for several miles and found no tracks.
But we saw those couple of houses with all the signs- stop, private property, do not enter, no trespassing, safety zone, no hunting, and so on.
bruset said:
Buckingham pics

Manumuskin, what field are you talking about? The road that leads to Buckingham is right by the railroad right of way. There's an intersection that brings you across the tracks and then runs back into the woods. There's no room for a field near there. If you can, show me on a topo map where you're talking about.

I found a large cellar hole there but didn't see any bricks.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Barry go here. The house to northeast of the cross is a real nice brick lined hole under big spruce.the one northwest is in a field and several holes are in high grass.the one to the southwest is a gunning club i believe.there were people there when i was there last month and they saw me in the field and never said anything.I don"t believe these holes are on their property.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County

I guess I didn't think that "field" was large enough to be a field! It was very close to that blue house, and I didn't want to spend too much time poking around near there. I've already had warning shots go off near me twice while exploring around private property, I'm not keen to actually be around when they go off when they're aimed at me.

FWIW, I think the road that those signs are on is public property but I wouldn't go down it.


We felt the same way when we were there. That's why we didn't really explore. All I did was photograph some of the guy's signs. I was scared enough to get out of there quickly.
I'm interested to see the cellar hole you saw. Sounds really cool. But I'm going to take a break from Ocean County for a while. Yesterday I filled my tank with gas. Today I did it again! I have a 19 gallon tank and it took 18.2 gallons. :shock: Scary.
I've been thoroughly enjoying every place I've been to. Can't wait to go out again. My former co-worker wants to see that gigantic Pitch Pine near Nash's Cabin. I don't know, but maybe we might do that next weekend sometime. I told him I'd show him Jemima Mount too.
bruset said:

I guess I didn't think that "field" was large enough to be a field! It was very close to that blue house, and I didn't want to spend too much time poking around near there. I've already had warning shots go off near me twice while exploring around private property, I'm not keen to actually be around when they go off when they're aimed at me.

FWIW, I think the road that those signs are on is public property but I wouldn't go down it.


May 29, 2003
I have a post card that you and all may be interested in. It is a Greeting PC maiked from Pasadena, NJ in 1907 and is addressed to Max Voight in Buckingham, NJ. The post office crossed out Buckingham and penciled in "Whiting,NJ". So it has all three town on it. Max Voight is mentioned in Beck's book as a character known to have lived in the area. I wish I knew where the Pasadena post office (or whatever establishment housed it)used to stand. The New Years greeting is written in German and is hard to read even if you know the language a little, since the penmanship is very small. I LOVE this postcard and wanted to share it with you. BTW, I scanned it through the plastic sleeve I keep it in and thus the scan could be better. However, all relevant info. I believe is visible. I hope to have it translated in the future.

OK, I just tried to link to it but failed, so you will have to go to my Member Gallery. It is the only photo under "Jokerman".


That is so cool! I just checked it out. You may want to see my postal card that's postmarked in Pasadena. It's also from 1907. It's on page 10 of my gallery, BarryC.
The Pasadena post office closed in 1915. There is no listing for a post office in Buckingham. My information comes from the "Handbook and checklist of New Jersey DPO's", a DPO being a discontinued post office.
And last night I posted my scan of my postcard that has a Pleasant Mills postmark on it. It's on the same page as the Pasadena card.
jokerman said:
I have a post card that you and all may be interested in. It is a Greeting PC maiked from Pasadena, NJ in 1907 and is addressed to Max Voight in Buckingham, NJ. The post office crossed out Buckingham and penciled in "Whiting,NJ". So it has all three town on it. Max Voight is mentioned in Beck's book as a character known to have lived in the area. I wish I knew where the Pasadena post office (or whatever establishment housed it)used to stand. The New Years greeting is written in German and is hard to read even if you know the language a little, since the penmanship is very small. I LOVE this postcard and wanted to share it with you. BTW, I scanned it through the plastic sleeve I keep it in and thus the scan could be better. However, all relevant info. I believe is visible. I hope to have it translated in the future.

OK, I just tried to link to it but failed, so you will have to go to my Member Gallery. It is the only photo under "Jokerman".


May 29, 2003
I just browsed through some of your pics. They are a lot of great photos in there. Thanks for posting them. That's really cool that you found a Pleasant Mills post card. That place is one of my favorites since it has such an interesting history. Was it mailed from "Elmwood, NJ"? It was hard to read. For some reason I feel very content when I'm able to find something like a postmarked peice of mail from a ghost town. It seems to bring the place alive!


I feel the same way. To me, finding something postmarked in a ghost town is the coolest thing. As you say, it brings it alive. Actually that other postmark is a received mark from Elwood, which is nearby.
jokerman said:
I just browsed through some of your pics. They are a lot of great photos in there. Thanks for posting them. That's really cool that you found a Pleasant Mills post card. That place is one of my favorites since it has such an interesting history. Was it mailed from "Elmwood, NJ"? It was hard to read. For some reason I feel very content when I'm able to find something like a postmarked peice of mail from a ghost town. It seems to bring the place alive!


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
Did anyone go find that cellar hole under the spruce trees I was talking about?It"s one of the neatest in the barrens in my opinion and well worth the effort.you only have to walk about 50 ft off the road to get to it.the spruce are huge.


May 29, 2003
The one time I went to find Buckingham I knew I was close but didn't see any area which I knew to be the exact former locale. I drove all over the place and saw many houses in the area including a trailer in the woods. I will have to go back soon and find it.

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
There's not much there, unless you go down the "Warning Sign" road.



Jun 26, 2003
Middlesex, NJ
jokerman said:
BTW, I scanned it through the plastic sleeve I keep it in and thus the scan could be better. However, all relevant info. I believe is visible. I hope to have it translated in the future.

Tom, if you could make a higher quality scan of the postcard so that the writing is legible, I could take a whack at translating it. I took German for a few years, enough to be able to sit down with a dictionary and work it out.

--The other Tom


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
ok look at the black dot in the photo just north of the red circle.go into the trees just to the right (east) of that dot.theirs your cellar hole under the big oaks.in that circle is a house or gunning club still in use.their were people there in july when I was last out there.


Jul 20, 2003
millville nj
I believe they live there too.They saw me in the field and never said a word.you don"t even have to let them see you to go into the spruces.they can"t see you at the cellar hole under the trees and you can park behind the spruces next to where the tracks used to be and they"ll never see you.I don"t believe thats their property because I never even saw any posted signs and they have never given me any trouble.Maybe I"m just that ugly they figured they leave me alone:)


Al and everyone,
Check my gallery (BarryC) for an aerial photo of Buckingham from Maquest. I was able to zoom way in. Maybe you can point out the spruce better on that photo, Al. You can see trees and rooftops in this view.
Just go to pages 10 and 11 for the new aerial photos and maps that I just posted.
I haven't been to Buckingham since that one time that I went. And now I'm trying to do less long-distance exploring for a while.
manumuskin said:
ok look at the black dot in the photo just north of the red circle.go into the trees just to the right (east) of that dot.theirs your cellar hole under the big oaks.in that circle is a house or gunning club still in use.their were people there in july when I was last out there.