What is "Chatsworth Woods"?

  • Thread starter TabernacleNative
  • Start date


I was out exploring today and was up on Apple Pie Hill. My GPS shows CHATSWORTH WOODS as a marker off of Highpoint Rd. I read in here somewhere the brick columns may mark something back there. I know the collapsed ones are out on 532 and I saw the complete ones on Highpoint Rd. Are there more deeper in the woods behind the tower?


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
I have never looked for more, but I would think if there were someone would have mentioned it here. Would be nice to find if there is!



Aug 17, 2003
Delaware County Pa.
I know the colums in question, a few years back I drove in around a 1/4 of a mile before the growth stopped me, I didn't see anything. I would say it had the makings of a development.


Maybe there are only two sets. I thought I had read that someone was hiking back behind the hill toward the JCRR and found another set of columns back there. I could have mis-read that they meant the set halfway back from 532. Either way, I was up there just as the snow started yesterday. Great shots of the Pines with snow falling - it was just too bad because my friend had never been there and didn't get to see the view.


Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
chatsworth woods consisted of the following : and possibly more

new york pital rd

park terrace north (where two remaing brick posts are at ringler rd (AKA highpoint rd))

then truns into Jefferson rd and back around to park terrace south then back to high point

cedar hill ain't there

some of apple jack rd is there, cedar hill was to cross ringler and apple jack (i used to live there)

cedar hill and apple jack were both to start at 532

part of new york is there

i have hike them all

the names have changed over the years and from the rr station at pine crest there once was a sign that said "chatsworth woods"

if you can find somebody with garmin roads and recreation software you will see all the roads back there with their orignal names


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
chatsworth woods consisted of the following : and possibly more

if you can find somebody with garmin roads and recreation software you will see all the roads back there with their orignal names

And I acquired that software years back courtesy of .... onehand! The problem is when running Windows on my Mac the print screen key is not there. Mac's don't have that key. So, I took a photo of my screen. It is slightly blurry.


I have a map that shows that the road from New York down to the word Railroad is First Ave. There also is a second and maybe more. I will have to look for it.



The Mapsource Topo software I got along with my Garmin has all of the roads and their names. Thats what made me notice - as I drove off of Apple Pie Hill, Chatsworth Woods is clearly marked with a waypoint icon. I thought it was odd or maybe significant because other places like Oriental or Flyatt and even Friendship are not listed (but oddly, Small on Oakshade Rd. is) . Back in 8th grade at Tabernacle School, we had a field trip where the buses dropped us at the hunt club at 532 and White Horse and we all hiked back to Apple Pie Hill. Back in the day!


Apr 11, 2005
potter co. pa.
Do you miss Chatsworth Stu?

yes, untill woodland twp got built up

i liked talking to some of the old real pineys in the woods before the state of NJ kicked them out

what i missed most was getting woke up by the train at appx 5 am passing close by applejack rd

a few times i watched the train at pine crest and pasadena area when it was still doing regular freight service