Whatever happened to Father Beck's material?

I posted this on Barry's list, but didn't get a reply, so now you folks are burdoned with it :p

I finished reading Tales and Towns of Northern New Jersey the other day, and I realized that Father Beck must have had a whole lot of material that was not included in the book, or that came in after it was published. His other five wonderful books on New Jersey also must have more material that never made it in. In addition to stories that were never told, there must have been countless letters and photographs, as well as Beck's collection of works on New Jersey. Does anyone know where, if anywhere, all of this material ended up? Does the state have it? Or Rutgers? Maybe the Courier-Post or the Star-Ledger? Maybe the family?

I'm not sure if there is an answer, or maybe it was all thrown out in the garbage. It just came to mind when I finished reading Beck's final installment on New Jersey, and someone might know...


That would be cool. I'd love to know what exists from the man.
stizkidz said:
If the material is indeed at Rutgers, I will be happy to go check it out and report my findings...

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
I did some research into it. Father Beck had a daughter. I assume that she has it.

None of the newspapers have anything in archives besides his articles. I also doubt Rutgers would have any of it. I believe his daughter has all of his stuff.