"Where are the Pine Barrens?"


Feb 19, 2004
White Haven, PA
The subject of my next book signing came up at work (Lines on the Pines), so I told a coworker it was in Sweetwater. She didn't know where that was, so I then said it's in the Pine Barrens.
"What's that?"


So then I said, "You know, where the Jersey Devil's from."

"What's that? Like the hockey team?"
"The horsey with wings that eats people."

I'm a little shocked people around here that people around here have never heard of the Pine Barrens, but I'm dumbfounded that they never heard of good ol' JD. I mean, c'mon, the area's only 2 hours away. That's like me saying I never heard of the Poconos or something. It's a whole big area!
...then again, I'm still trying to dispel the belief that NJ's one big city.

The one kid only knew about the Pine Barrens because of a Sopranos episode.


Sep 7, 2005
It's a sadness but it is true.
I can live with folk from elsewhere but, When it is a Jersey person that is perplexed I almost want to smack 'em.
I sometimes, even in my own company get people that talk about the Sopranos episode with the Russian.
Remember this, we are the minority that know because we care. We see and enjoy the wonder. Those that don't know... They don't know it because they don't give a Blue F***. (Sorry, had ta use it)
My personal favorites are the ones that say "Pinelands", like it's a damned Golf course of something.
As far as J/D, you'll get all kinds of folks with all kinds of responses to that one, so I discount it as "moot". I myself do not involve it in dialogue.
It sounds all well and cool but it cheapens the big picture, takes away from the real wonder.
Add up the handful of these sites (Ben's #1!) and their respective members, the organizations to protect, the NJ Parks folks, the 4X4 guys that tread lightly, the herpers and hunters, Hikers, Campers, the Historians, and even the laypersons and passers by that just enjoy the gift that we've been given, and you've got quite a crowd.
So the rest... inclusive of those that disrespect, rape, and intrude by development on the region, screw 'em.
You care Stu, you know what & where the Pine Barrens are, and so do we.
Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Clause.



Jun 17, 2007
Long Valley, NJ
When I lived up in Rhode Island my brother and I quickly discovered Block Island, and started taking the ferry out every few weeks or so. Also discovered Newport, and Jamestown Island. Great places. Our new friends from up around the East Greenwich area had mostly never been to Block Island, and maybe had been to the other places once or twice. This in a state that isn't much bigger than the Pine Barrens :). I guess people don't move if they don't have to.


Feb 19, 2004
White Haven, PA
Talking about that today made me realized just how homesick I am. If there was anything affordable I'd surely come back, though not necessarily back to the Toms River area. Maybe once I finish a degree or two...


Jan 11, 2006
They have pine barrens on Cape Cod too, but I dont see many photos of them, I guess most ppl go to the cape for the beaches. On Google Earth you can overlay panaramio photos but I see few photos of any pine barrens in general. It seems people just drive through the pine barrens to get to the beaches.
These same people will say "what pine barrens"? Too busy talking on the iPhone to notice the trees I guess.:confused:
I'm putting some more panarimio photos up of the LI Pine Barrens, but i'd like to see more from NJ and the Cape.


Jan 19, 2005
Bristol, PA
"Smack 'em in the head". Had the urge many times during the 19 years I worked on L.B.I., traveling from PA. Sometimes I would have a helper with me and would point out all the interesting scenery from Pemberton and down 72. And they would just look at me with a blank stare! Oh well, I tried.

Sue Gremlin

Sep 13, 2005
Vicksburg, Michigan
I was one of those people. I grew up in north Jersey and spent my summers at the NJ shore, although we didn't have to drive through the pines to get to our place (Normandy). I never gave the Pine Barrens any thought whatsoever until I was an adult, the furthest I ventured in was a HS camping trip at Allaire State Forest, where we camped in an open field and then loaded on a bus to go home. I never set foot in the forests until recently, we never talked about it in school and my parents were in the same boat as me. So you can imagine how blown away I was when my husband took me into Wharton State Forest for the first time. The ecology of the area fascinates me to no end. I feel sort of ripped off that nobody ever really bothered to teach us about the wonderful history and sensitive, unique ecology of the area. And my mom told me that ours was such a fantastic school system. :rolleyes:


Nov 8, 2004
Near Mt. Misery
It amazes me also. I teach alot of people in Medford and Mt. Laurel and Marlton and, believe it or not, most of them don't know where the pinebarrens are. And even if they do, they think it is like a 5,000 acre park. I know, hard to believe but it is true. There are people that live in Medford that go to Stokes or the pocanos to get into the great outdoors.

It used to bother me, but I changed my perspective. I now acually kind of like the idea. Keeps the woods less crowded. The pinebarrens are surrounded by such congestion, it is best that the secret is keep as far as I'm concerned. There is a thought that the more people who are aware of it, the better the chances for it's preservation. While I agree this has some merit, I tend to believe that the people who would impact it's preservation most effectively are already aware of it.
