Where is this?


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
No, not the overlook on the township line. I wasn't aware of the new FFS road. The house was built on the original entrance so the FFS did plow a new access quite a few years ago. It's not really new unless there is a new fresh cut, which I'm not aware of.

What I'm referring to is an old gravel pit that is a failed development of long ago. I was with some friends and a hunter that hunts the area and this is what they called it. https://maps.njpinebarrens.com/#lat=39.69649599075941&lng=-74.3284002284336&z=16&type=hybrid&gpx=
Guy and I drove by that last fall heading NW. I did not notice it because of the mudholes. I was picking my way around them. I'll have to check it out. That's about 110', where the one on the line is about 150'.

And yes, this is a fresh cut into the line, just about 200' north of the entrance to the million dollar sand operation.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I have to admit, through all of this, a distinct sadness has come over me. The FFS is now turning the pine plains wilderness into just another section of the pine barrens. All of these new roads and fire trails, in my mind, are really the death of the plains as we know it. Fragmentation means if you leave the existing roads, you are sure to not get lost anymore, and that's a bad thing to me, and a sign that it's over. They have their agenda yes, and rebuff all complaints with "what, you don't want to protect lives and property?"


Mar 6, 2016
Forked River
Is it one of the hills on the way into the entrance of Warren Grove bombing range? If you park on the right where that bomb looking thing is in the puddle. You can walk to another sandy pit and have some nice views. If you keep going further you get to the top of another nice hill which is tall but overgrown . Years ago you could drivre up it but is all grown in now. They just put a fire line at the entrance of the old trail/road going up to it. It was also marked with pink tape when I drove by today.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Is this the bomb?

Bomb At Warren Grove_.jpg


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Is it one of the hills on the way into the entrance of Warren Grove bombing range? If you park on the right where that bomb looking thing is in the puddle. You can walk to another sandy pit and have some nice views. If you keep going further you get to the top of another nice hill which is tall but overgrown . Years ago you could drivre up it but is all grown in now. They just put a fire line at the entrance of the old trail/road going up to it. It was also marked with pink tape when I drove by today.

Yes, that is close enough. It's nestled in amongst some pines. I looked up slope for where the source is but could not nail it down. Likely one of those concete pads.



Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
For the record this MAY be mirrored. I don't thinks so though. We spent quite a bit of time there on rainy days. Nobody ever came by. This is right at the top of the hill along the road to the range where the concrete slab is.

Warren Grove Drop:8:79_.jpg
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
If anyone goes there and wants to look around, this post from 2014 will give you a little adventure.

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