Almost all of my tree frog photo's are from May 10 to May 22. I will make sure I check the place out multiple evenings around that time to compare with how it was when I was there last.
I'd like to check out that location on an unusually warm or humid night in the later part of April. I think that's when the carpenters and leopard frogs peak in their breeding activity. Can anyone confirm or refute this? I have spent more time up here listening to frog calls in our area, and not enough in the barrens, but I do remember hearing leopard and carpenter choruses (even during the day) down there in early to mid-April. I may be mistaken, but I think that by the time the Fowlers and PBTF's start their breeding in May, the carpenter and leopard activity should be waning. Again I could be way off on this, as I know that you folks have more experience with the pine barrens species than I do, so I want to hear your thoughts on this idea.