Wind Advisory


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Don't know if you do or not. Your post sounded like you were worried about the power going out, so it sounded like it wasn't on some kind of backup, that's all. It wasn't meant as some kind of slight. You don't have to list your credentials.
You have been very helpful here, and over the past couple months I have noted you are one of the few, along with Boyd and Superchooch and one or two others, that speak computer language easily. If you don't mind, I'm curious about your background in that.
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Feb 8, 2022
You have been very helpful here, and over the past couple months I have noted you are one of the few, along with Boyd and Superchooch and one or two others, that speak computer language easily. If you don't mind, I'm curious about your background in that.

Well, thank you, I appreciate that and I am glad to have been helpful to anyone. Ordinarily I don't mind but I think it will be best at this juncture to simply say that my background is in technology; I am very much not interested in this becoming some sort of contest. I'm here to contribute what (usually very little!) I can to interesting discussions, to share photos and experiences I have had in the Pines, and to learn from the wealth of information and knowledgeable people assembled here. That's really all I'm after.
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Looks like quite a few places got hit bad. Jackson township and a water spout in Atlantic City. Damage in other places as well.
  • Wow
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Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Jessica watched the Batsto live cams before and during the storm last night. Hard to see anything during the storm.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Nothing on the NWS website yet this morning, but here's an article at

"The National Weather Service said it is investigating reports of two possible tornadoes that may have touched down in New Jersey Saturday night..."

"One tornado may have struck the Ramtown section of Howell Township in Monmouth County, where heavy tree damage was reported and video footage appeared to show a funnel cloud in between flashes of lightning..."

"The weather service says another tornado may have touched down near the border of Delran and Cinnaminson in Burlington County..."



Feb 20, 2004
Pestletown, N.J.
I ducked into my clothes closet at one point, and realized I don't have weather radar on my phone. I started looking for an APP, but stopped counting at 60 different apps. What kind do you all have?
I use NOAA for everything. The hourly forecast is fairly technical, having nothing but graphical information going out 48 hours. I like it because it shows wind direction as vectors and you can see the times at which wind speed direction will change over time by seeing the vectors gradually rotating. I like that for planning hunting outings. It is really accurate in my experience.

Look at the screenshot. Tonight between 10:00 pm and 7:00 am tomorrow winds go from North, to dead balls calm and then a flip to south during that period. The vectors give me a great visual, better than words can convey.
Hourly Graphical Forecast for 39.72N 74.82W (2).jpg
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Scott, yes I love that graph of all the paramaters, which is why I use NOAA exclusively to plan my day, but only on my desktop. On my mobile, I only care about radar.


Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Does the radarscope app have a free trial? If so, give it a try (maybe wait for a rainy day), it really is great for its clarity and simplicity. I think it is popular with storm chasers. I have a bookmark set for my home, and I can watch the pixels of rain approach and its very accurate as to when they will hit me.


Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
Does the radarscope app have a free trial? If so, give it a try (maybe wait for a rainy day), it really is great for its clarity and simplicity. I think it is popular with storm chasers. I have a bookmark set for my home, and I can watch the pixels of rain approach and its very accurate as to when they will hit me.
No, it's still a quarter.
  • Haha
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Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I could not resist that Boyd. But I immediately download it when I saw it's a one time $9.95 fee for the basic. It will help me when I'm out there and trying to decide 'should I stay, or should I go'.
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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Looks like quite a few places got hit bad.

Wow - six tornadoes in New Jersey! And they are investigating another possible one in Mays Landing, which is uncomfortably close to me. I was not even in the tornado warning zone on the radar.( I have removed the PA and DE reports below to only include the NJ tornadoes)


Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Mount Holly NJ
816 PM EDT Mon Apr 3 2023

...NWS Damage Surveys for April 1, 2023 Tornadoes and Wind Event...

.Update 6...Survey team confirmed two additional tornadoes in NJ.
One in Crosswicks and another one from Allentown to Cream Ridge.
Preliminary rating of both is EF-1 with estimated peak winds of
90 mph. More details will be available on Tuesday.


A line of severe thunderstorms crossed the region Saturday night,
April 1, 2023. A total of 8 tornadoes have been confirmed (6 in NJ,
1 in PA and 1 in DE).

Additionally, we are still investigating damage in the following

Mays Landing, NJ

.Jackson Township NJ Tornado...

Rating: EF-2
Estimated Peak Wind: 130 mph
Path Length /statute/: 2.1 miles
Path Width /maximum/: 200 yards
Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0

Start Date: April 1, 2023
Start Time: 7:24 PM EDT
Start Location: Jackson Township / Ocean County / NJ
Start Lat/Lon: 40.1558 / -74.3936

End Date: April 1, 2023
End Time: 7:27 PM EDT
End Location: Jackson Township / Ocean County / NJ
End Lat/Lon: 40.1494 / -74.3579

A tornado formed from along an eastward moving rotating supercell
within a line of thunderstorms and made initial touchdown near
Patterson road, off of West Commodore Road, in Jackson Township
and continued east for approximately a 3/4 mile long and 200 yard
width path across the residences on the north side of Stonehenge
Ct and along West Commodore Blvd, before going across the
residences and businesses across Wright Debow and Hamilton Rd.
Dozens of large hardwood and softwood trees were snapped or
uprooted in a convergent pattern, power poles downed or snapped,
fences demolished, and sheds, small outbuildings, and dumpsters
flipped or moved. Despite the significant tree damage, generally
only minor siding and roof shingle damage was noted. This damage
was consistent with EF1 winds of 90 to 110 mph.

The tornado then likely strengthened to its greatest intensity as
it continued east, across a cleared and paved area, to a newly
built large warehouse development. The southern half of the
warehouse, made up of several 3 story concrete pre-fab tilt-up
walls, both on the east and west side, tied together with metal
roofing system above, collapsed in an eastward direction. Based
on the degree of damage and construction this was determined to
be high end EF2 winds of 120 to 130 mph. In addition dozens of
hard and soft wood trees on the south and southeast side of the
building and east side parking lot were uprooted or trunks
snapped laying in a E/NE direction.

The tornado continued on, now in an east southeast direction, for
about 3/4 mile with about 200 yd path width, just north of
GasTime, across Diamond Road and back along West Commodore road,
and into the residences around Indiero Lane and Oaktree Lanes.
The most extensive tree and powerline damage was seen along West
Commodore Road, with hundreds of mature hard and soft wood trees
uprooted or snapped in a convergent pattern, numerous power poles
downed or snapped, as well as roofing and insulation debris from
the warehouse being littered along the way. The tree damage along
part of West Commodore Road was consistent with winds of 100 to
120 mph. The tornado appeared to be weakening to EF0 as it
entered the residences around Indiero Lane and Oaktree Lanes,
south of West Commodore, with the tree damage path becoming
scattered and narrowing to 100 yards, and only minor siding and
roof shingle damage noted. The tornado likely occluded just before
reaching the Land O Pines Mobile Home Park, where the tornado
path ended.

The National Weather Service would like to thank Jackson Township
Emergency Management, Ocean County Emergency Management and New
Jersey State Police for their help in this survey.

.Jackson-Howell Township NJ Tornado...

Rating: EF-2
Estimated Peak Wind: 120 mph
Path Length /statute/: 1.4 miles
Path Width /maximum/: 150 yards
Fatalities: 0 Injuries: 0

Start Date: April 1, 2023
Start Time: 7:33 PM EDT
Start Location: Jackson Township / Ocean County / NJ
Start Lat/Lon: 40.1539 / -74.2733

End Date: April 1, 2023
End Time: 7:34 PM EDT
End Location: Howell Township / Monmouth County / NJ
End Lat/Lon: 40.1511 / -74.2557

A tornado formed along an eastward moving rotating supercell within a line
of thunderstorms and made an initial touchdown on the north side of
Palomino Drive. A 100 yard wide path of dozens of large hardwood and
softwood trees were snapped or uprooted in a convergent east to northeast
pattern between the north side of Palomino Drive and the high tension
powerlines paralleling to the north. In addition to the extensive
tree damage, numerous fences were demolished with moderate roof
and shingle damage to houses on the north side of Palomino Drive.
The path of tree damage continued east southeast, across N New
Prospect Rd, and along the north and northeast periphery of the
newly built Paragon apartment complex. The degree of tree and home
damage is consistent with winds of 100-120 mph.

The tornado continued east southeast down to the intersection of Larsen Road
and Maplewood Place. Several large hard and soft wood trees were snapped or
uprooted in a convergent pattern, and power poles downed, on either side of
Larsen at this intersection. The tornado tracked east southeast across the
residences along the east side of Maplewood and the northeast section of
Dogwood Rd, with about a 150 yd width path of dozens of large trees snapped
or uprooted in a convergent pattern, power poles downed or snapped, fences
demolished, and sheds flipped or moved. Despite the significant tree damage,
generally only minor siding and roof shingle damage was noted. This damage
was consistent with EF1 winds of 90 to 110 mph. The tornado likely moved
southeast from here across a shallow NE to SW cleared valley area along the
Monmouth/Ocean county border with transmission lines running through. No
damage was noted to the transmission lines or the metal truss towers.

The tornado then likely strengthened to its greatest intensity as
it continued east southeast from the clearing to the residences on
the southwest corner of Spicy Pond Rd. Numerous large trees were
snapped or uprooted in a 300 yd long and 150 yd wide convergent
pattern, fences demolished, and several houses having minor to
moderate siding, gutter, awning, deck and roof shingle damage. The
worst damage occurred to a house facing to the southwest on the
southwest corner of Spicy Pond Road, whose whole roof was lifted
and tossed into their backyard and immediate neighbor backyards.
Some of the debris, including a larger roof rafter was lofted about
125 yards, impaling the roof and second floor of a house on the
east side of Addison Road. In addition, some siding from the house
was impaled into the siding of the neighboring house to the north,
with insulation and siding debris littering the neighborhood for
about 200 yds to to the east southeast. Based on the degree of
damage and construction this was determined to be EF2 wind damage
of 110-120 mph. The tornado likely quickly occluded after passing
Addison Rd, ending its short path.

The National Weather Service would like to thank Jackson and
Howell Township Emergency Management, Ocean and Monmouth County
Emergency Management and New Jersey State Police for their help
in this survey.

.Cinnaminson-Delran-Moorestown NJ Tornado...

Rating: EF-1
Estimated Peak Wind: 100 mph
Path Length /statute/: 6.0 miles
Path Width /maximum/: 600 yards
Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0

Start Date: Apr 1 2023
Start Time: 6:59 PM EDT
Start Location: Cinnaminson / Burlington County / NJ
Start Lat/Lon: 40.0062 / -75.0009

End Date: Apr 1 2023
End Time: 7:03 PM EDT
End Location: Moorestown / Burlington County / NJ
End Lat/Lon: 39.9489 / -74.8968

Survey Summary:

A tornado formed along a line of thunderstorms and made initial
touchdown in Cinnaminson, NJ, near the intersection of Riverton
Road and Woodside Lane where multiple trees were snapped and
uprooted. It then traveled east-southeast towards Cinnaminson
High School and Eleanor Rush Intermediate School, where the
damage path expanded to around 0.3 miles wide or about 520 yards,
spreading across much of the surrounding neighborhood where
numerous trees were reported down. The strongest wind damage
occurred near the intersection of Wynwood Drive and Locust Lane
where a majority of the roof covering was peeled off a single-
family home. The tornado continued east-southeast across US HWY
130 into Lakeview Memorial Park where a large swath of softwood
trees were either uprooted or snapped at the trunk. Continuing
east-southeast, the damage path continued through the
neighborhoods surrounding New Albany Road and Endicott Ave,
moving towards the communities near Ravenswood Park, uprooting
and snapping multiple trees. The tornado then crossed Haines Mill
Road in Delran where it grew to its greatest width of
approximately 0.3 miles or 600 yards. After persisting east-
southeast and crossing Bridgeboro Road, it likely pushed through
Esther Yanai Preserve where the damage path was lost due to lack
of road networks in the preserve. Minor tree and limb damage was
observed again near John Pryor Field in Moorestown. More
widespread damage was then found near the intersection of Hartford
Road and Worthington Drive with multiple softwood trees uprooted
or snapped. The wide swath of tree damage continued over to
Dominion Drive with numerous trees uprooted or snapped and left
leaning on utility lines along Borton Landing Road. It is likely
at this point the tornado began to occlude and wrap up. Additional
snapped branches and minor damage to veneers and siding was found
along a narrow strip of Country Club Drive in the Laurel Creek
Country Club neighborhood. The tornado then caused minor damage to
some roof shingles on a home on Augusta Drive before snapping the
top of one final utility pole on Centerton Road.

The National Weather Service would like to thank Emergency
Management in Burlington County and the municipalities for their
help in this survey.

.Sea Girt NJ Tornado...

Rating: EF-2
Estimated Peak Wind: 110-120 mph
Path Length /statute/: 0.14 miles
Path Width /maximum/: 50 yards
Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0

Start Date: Apr 1 2023
Start Time: 7:42 PM EDT
Start Location: Sea Girt / Monmouth County / NJ
Start Lat/Lon: 40.1223 / -74.0397

End Date: Apr 1 2023
End Time: 7:44 PM EDT
End Location: Sea Girt / Monmouth County / NJ
End Lat/Lon: 40.1226 / -74.0369

A tornado formed from an east southeast moving rotating supercell
within a line of thunderstorms and made a brief touchdown on the
National Guard Training Center Grounds in Sea Girt, NJ.

The tornado likely developed over Stockton Lake and tracked east
southeast over the New Jersey Youth Challenge Academy. The entire
half dome, wood frame, shingled roof of the southwest facing
academy building, about 25 yards wide and 50 yards long, was
lifted and thrown eastward. The debris was lofted and strewn for
about 250 yards to the east northeast in a tapering, semi-circled
debris drag marks and layout pattern. In addition one tree was
uprooted and layed in an east northeast direction. The tornado
likely lifted as it tracked east across the parking lot and open
grass fields. Based on the degree of damage and construction this
was determined to be EF2 wind damage of 110- 120 mph, with debris
and downed tree pattern indicative of a tornado.

Isolated large tree damage was noted upstream of the National
Guard Training Center starting at the corner of Sea Girt Ave and
Route 35, working east southeast down Sea Girt Avenue, across the
intersection of Atlantic and Broad Street, to Pearce Avenue and
behind Manasquan Fire Department. There is not enough evidence in
the damage indicators to classify as part of the tornado track,
and so more likely associated with a narrow developing rear flank
downdraft of 70-80 mph, that shortly later lead to tornado
formation over Stockton Lake. A couple of other notable impacts,
400 yards to the north of the New Jersey Youth Challenge Academy
building, a couple of bleachers were pushed about 40 yards east
northeast from their starting position across the Athletic field.
Once again, not enough supporting evidence for this being a
separate EF0 tornado, but instead, more likely due to straight
line winds or gustnado of 70 to 80 mph winds.

Finally, a small bleacher was overturned at the Manasquan Little
League Fields, about 600 yards southeast of New Jersey Youth
Challenge Academy and right before the ocean beachfront, again
consistent with straight line winds of 70 to 80 mph. For
reference, the Sea Girt observing site measured a similar 71 mph
gust at this time.

The National Weather Service would like to thank Sea Girt
Emergency Management, Army National Guard Leadership, Monmouth
County Emergency Management and New Jersey State Police for their
help in this survey.

.Palmyra-Riverton NJ Downburst...

Peak Wind /E/: 100 mph
Path Length /statute/: 1.0 miles
Path Width /maximum/: 600 yards
Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0

Start Date: Apr 1 2023
Start Time: 6:55 PM EDT
Start Location: Palmyra / Burlington County / NJ
Start Lat/Lon: 40.0059 / -75.0182

End Date: Apr 1 2023
End Time: 6:58 PM EDT
End Location: Cinnaminson / Burlington County / NJ
End Lat/Lon: 40.0034 / -75.0069

Survey Summary:

Strong downburst winds across parts of Palmyra, Riverton, and
Cinnaminson preceded the tornado that formed and impacted
Cinnaminson, Delran, and Moorestown. Numerous trees were uprooted
or snapped beginning near the intersection of East Broad Street
and Elm Ave on the border of Palmyra, NJ. A swath of sporadic
tree damage was then found to continue east-southeast towards the
Riverton Country Club where numerous trees were found to have
snapped or been uprooted. All trees were found to have fallen in a
east-southeasterly direction.


EF Scale: The Enhanced Fujita Scale classifies tornadoes into the
following categories:

EF0...Weak......65 to 85 mph
EF1...Weak......86 to 110 mph
EF2...Strong....111 to 135 mph
EF3...Strong....136 to 165 mph
EF4...Violent...166 to 200 mph
EF5...Violent...>200 mph

The information in this statement is preliminary and subject to
change pending final review of the events and publication in NWS

Storm Data.
  • Wow
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Staff member
Site Administrator
Jul 31, 2004
Ben's Branch, Stephen Creek
Screen Shot 2023-04-05 at 1.23.52 PM.png

And they are investigating another possible one in Mays Landing

They now have a report on this event....

Mays Landing Tornado...

Rating: EF-1
Estimated Peak Wind: 100 mph
Path Length /statute/: 0.9 miles
Path Width /maximum/: 110 yards
Fatalities: 0
Injuries: 0

Start Date: April 1, 2023
Start Time: 7:42 PM EDT
Start Location: 7 mi WNW of Mays Landing / Atlantic
County / NJ
Start Lat/Lon: 39.4738 / -74.8579

End Date: April 1, 2023
End Time: 7:43 PM EDT
End Location: 6 mi WNW of Mays Landing / Atlantic
County / NJ
End Lat/Lon: 39.4722 / -74.8412

A tornado formed along a line of thunderstorms and made an initial
touchdown just east of Llewellyn Avenue and south of US HWY 40 in
the Richland section of Buena Vista Township. This was a heavily
forested area with large branches snapped. The tornado continued
east, moving parallel to Landis Avenue, and into Mays Landing. As it
moved into Mays Landing, the tornado produced its strongest wind
damage, where a roof was partially lifted off a single-family home.
Numerous trees on the property had large branches broken, with an
area of uprooted trees just to the east of the home.

The tornado continued to progress eastward along Landis Avenue, with
large amounts of uprooted trees, snapped trunks, and broken
branches. Damage remained mainly confined to the north side of the
road. The tornado then crossed Estelle Avenue, where broken branches
and snapped trunks continued for about another 200 yards into the
densely forested area.


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
Looks like it won't be starting until around 7PM now.