A few years ago, the way I understand it anyway, they decided one way to stop illegal riding was to increase the fines and so forth. Part of the deal was the state could increase the fines as long as they built 2 off road parks by 2005. I believe the head of the DEP at the time was Mr. Campbell. Well 2005 has come and gone and 2006 is almost over and there is not one park, plus the park in Chatsworth is closing within 2 years. Hey the state agreed and promised 2 parks. They did not keep up their end of the bargain but have you seen them go back to the old fines, which of course were less, heck no! I don't expect everything from the state but they did say that was part of the deal and they have not lived up to it. But I forgot, I was dealing with New Jersey. I'm going riding in Pennsylvania and New Hampshire this fall, both states have excellent trail programs. The funny thing is you would think by what the so called experts say that nothing would be left of their forest due do all of the ATV use, but it hasn't happened. Their state forest are as beautiful as ever.