I have only owned Mac's. I first bought a Performa 475 with system 7.0P, but I have used a Mac at work when it was System 6. That was when they had what was called "DA's" instead of Control Panels.
The Performa had a whopping 4MB of Ram in it, and when I upped it to 8 for $200 I thought I was in heaven. Then I bought a 6500/225MH, then a RevA iMac, then a RevD iMac, then the G4 450 Sawtooth, and now the Intel iMac. And I still have all of them, and they all still work. The RevA iMac is cranky though.
I have a two button mouse that right clicks, so you might want to invest in that. It works the same as it does on XP and to me is a must.
As for printing, I feel your pain! I have had problems with printing with OSX for years. I hate to admit it but a photo printed on a Windows computer looks so much clearer than on a Mac.