

May 2, 2006
southern NJ
entropysedge said:
I encounter many different nationalities and languages at work... and the only people that expect me... to speak to them in THEIR OWN language are the Spanish speakers; everyone else does their level best to comunicate in English.

"When in Rome..."

It is only polite to attempt to speak the language of the country one VISITS. Some do it well, others --- well, at least they try. Usually the host will suggest continuing the conversation in English, since at least some English is taught to most schoolchildren around the world.

However, Hispanics, as well as some other ethnic and racial groups have taken it upon themselves to remould/remodel America in an image that reflects their lifestyle, or a lifestyle they idolize, and not a lifestyle that reflects our country's own rich traditions, values and mores.

Furthermore, laws have been passed by our highest courts, which protect and encourage the "in your face" attitude of those minorities who are determined to have THEIR "lifestyle," THEIR "language" (How about "ebonics"?), THEIR "customs," THEIR "values," THEIR "mores," etc., etc. not only "fully recognized," but also "accepted" (in the sense of being "equal") and "celebrated" (Sometimes in LIEU of officially recognized customs and holidays.). Thus, in some areas of New Jersey, schools close on Muslim holidays, for example, instruction (and testing!) is given in a virtual polyglott of languages (at added expense to the taxpayer!), and English is taught only in the context of ESL courses.

BTW: those laws, passed by OUR own Supreme Court, are based on "international law(s)" or the laws of other (usually European) countries, NOT on our own U.S. Constitution. Is it, therefore, hard to understand why some of the "laws of our (own) land" seem totally "foreign" to US?:jeffd:



Staff member
Oct 25, 2002
Pines; Bamber area
I can only accuse Geno's of hastiness. He should rip the sign down, and replace it with one that says:

"YO! If youse ain't a tourist, or deaf and dumb, and you have been in this country for at least 2 years, and are reasonably inteliigent and willing to assimilate and learn new things, then order your food using English! If not, GO HOME!"


Site Administrator
Sep 17, 2002
bobpbx said:
I can only accuse Geno's of hastiness. He should rip the sign down, and replace it with one that says:

"YO! If youse ain't a tourist, or deaf and dumb, and you have been in this country for at least 2 years, and are reasonably inteliigent and willing to assimilate and learn new things, then order your food using English! If not, GO HOME!"

That sounds good but he would really be taking the heat if he did that.



May 2, 2006
southern NJ
TeeGate said:
...he would really be taking the heat if he did that.


Evidently, he already is... WCAU--TV (Phila.) reported on Fri. eve. that a city "ethnic commission" (??) has already cited him in violation of "discrimination," and if he doesn't remove his sign, it could cost him $1,000/day in fines!:jeffd:

Sorry, I couldn't get the <<www.nbc10.com>> website to do a search for me, maybe someone else will be luckier?
