1/4 mile fun

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Pines Lover

Aug 15, 2010
What is your solution?

Enforce existing laws and embarrass the powers that be, to do just that.

Which is happening as we type.

Like they did it before like they did it at hidden lakes, MRT quarry and the former Chatsworth Park area.

Broke Jeep Joe

Mar 8, 2006
Waterford Twp
Enforce existing laws and embarrass the powers that be, to do just that.

Which is happening as we type.

Like they did it before like they did it at hidden lakes, MRT quarry and the former Chatsworth Park area.

There's a solution for ya! Could we all embarass you enough to crawl back into whatever hole you crawled out of?


New Member
Sep 8, 2010
I'm confused...

Pines Lover,

I commend you on wanting to preserve nature and all that surrounds it. However, why pick on 1/4 mile run and the surrounding areas for your personal safe heaven? I've been reading everyone’s opinions about the area and the damage done, but I'm having a hard time believing the area will take 100 years to recover. How long does it take after a burn? Think about it. I would love to see the trash removed and the parties limited to fruit punch, but reality is it will never end; weren't you young once?

The NJ State Police and Forest Rangers are doing a great job on controlling the law breakers by bringing them to justice. Keep in mind that their staff is limited and they cannot catch everything, all the time...

You also mentioned embarrassing the powers to be to get your point across. I don't think that would be the answer and most likely you will be labeled as a pain in the ***. Try working with the officials and you may receive different results!

The aforementioned statement is a great segway into my next topic - You throw around some state officials names like you have some influence. A - You really have the ear of someone important or B - you’re full of it! From where I stand, I would choose the later... I've been to quite a few state meetings in regards to hunting and land preservation. I would have to say I’ve never seen you there nor has your name been mentioned. I too know quite a few people. However, I will discuss this will you privately as I'm not one to name drop or use an acquaintance to try and prove myself as the authority on said subject matter.

So I will ask you again, what's in it for you and why 1/4 mile run? I'm eagerly waiting for your response...

Hunt with what you want and do it well!

Ben Ruset

Site Administrator
Oct 12, 2004
Monmouth County
By the way, I pretty much agree with the idea of "enforcing the existing laws." But, here's a radical idea, why doesn't the PPA have a group of people out at 1/4 mile jotting down license plate numbers and reporting them to the police. This will cost zero dollars and will actually show that the PPA wants to do something to solve the problem besides trolling people on my forum.


Nov 21, 2008
Enforce existing laws and embarrass the powers that be, to do just that.

Which is happening as we type.

Like they did it before like they did it at hidden lakes, MRT quarry and the former Chatsworth Park area.
all these places you list are private property and people still go to select places , so it obviously didnt work


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
By the way, I pretty much agree with the idea of "enforcing the existing laws." But, here's a radical idea, why doesn't the PPA have a group of people out at 1/4 mile jotting down license plate numbers and reporting them to the police. This will cost zero dollars and will actually show that the PPA wants to do something to solve the problem besides trolling people on my forum.

And take pictures of the offenders. Mike should be able to help with that :D

It's always 'lets get Mikey to do it' with some folks.

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
And take pictures of the offenders.
I prefer to keep my life. I do not wish to get shot, beat up or put my family at risk. One thing I am however willing to do is set up wildlife cameras at popular locations for tire spikes. I'm waiting for the day for law enforcement to get their tires punctured by one of these as the press releases continue to state that laws aren't being enforced. I'm also waiting to see the day where I see a blood trail leaving one of the puddles with these boody traps leading to an animal of some sort that got a punctured foot while transversing though a booby trapped puddle. I will one day catch one of these people, I will happily submit my wildlife camera footage to all of the major press that I can. This is where pictures need to be taken.


Mar 24, 2004
Coastal NJ
I prefer to keep my life. I do not wish to get shot, beat up or put my family at risk. One thing I am however willing to do is set up wildlife cameras at popular locations for tire spikes. I'm waiting for the day for law enforcement to get their tires punctured by one of these as the press releases continue to state that laws aren't being enforced. I'm also waiting to see the day where I see a blood trail leaving one of the puddles with these boody traps leading to an animal of some sort that got a punctured foot while transversing though a booby trapped puddle. I will one day catch one of these people, I will happily submit my wildlife camera footage to all of the major press that I can. This is where pictures need to be taken.

I think you completely missed my point :(

Pines Lover

Aug 15, 2010
Pines Lover,

I commend you on wanting to preserve nature and all that surrounds it. However, why pick on 1/4 mile run and the surrounding areas for your personal safe heaven? I've been reading everyone’s opinions about the area and the damage done, but I'm having a hard time believing the area will take 100 years to recover. How long does it take after a burn? Think about it. I would love to see the trash removed and the parties limited to fruit punch, but reality is it will never end; weren't you young once?

The NJ State Police and Forest Rangers are doing a great job on controlling the law breakers by bringing them to justice. Keep in mind that their staff is limited and they cannot catch everything, all the time...

You also mentioned embarrassing the powers to be to get your point across. I don't think that would be the answer and most likely you will be labeled as a pain in the ***. Try working with the officials and you may receive different results!

The aforementioned statement is a great segway into my next topic - You throw around some state officials names like you have some influence. A - You really have the ear of someone important or B - you’re full of it! From where I stand, I would choose the later... I've been to quite a few state meetings in regards to hunting and land preservation. I would have to say I’ve never seen you there nor has your name been mentioned. I too know quite a few people. However, I will discuss this will you privately as I'm not one to name drop or use an acquaintance to try and prove myself as the authority on said subject matter.

So I will ask you again, what's in it for you and why 1/4 mile run? I'm eagerly waiting for your response...

Hunt with what you want and do it well!

So I will ask you again, what's in it for you and why 1/4 mile run? I'm eagerly waiting for your response

Because it is one the most ecological significant areas in the Pine Barrens because of the still existing vernal pools and the globally rare plants that are still there. It is a Natural Heritage Priority site, don't you understand what that means. Do you think all of whats left should be wiped out?

The area contains these rare plants because of the recent fire. Learn a little about fire ecology.

In my 30 years of dealing with the state, most times the only way to get them to do something is to embarrass therm.

Pines Lover

Aug 15, 2010
Pines Lover,

I commend you on wanting to preserve nature and all that surrounds it. However, why pick on 1/4 mile run and the surrounding areas for your personal safe heaven? I've been reading everyone’s opinions about the area and the damage done, but I'm having a hard time believing the area will take 100 years to recover. How long does it take after a burn? Think about it. I would love to see the trash removed and the parties limited to fruit punch, but reality is it will never end; weren't you young once?

The NJ State Police and Forest Rangers are doing a great job on controlling the law breakers by bringing them to justice. Keep in mind that their staff is limited and they cannot catch everything, all the time...

You also mentioned embarrassing the powers to be to get your point across. I don't think that would be the answer and most likely you will be labeled as a pain in the ***. Try working with the officials and you may receive different results!

The aforementioned statement is a great segway into my next topic - You throw around some state officials names like you have some influence. A - You really have the ear of someone important or B - you’re full of it! From where I stand, I would choose the later... I've been to quite a few state meetings in regards to hunting and land preservation. I would have to say I’ve never seen you there nor has your name been mentioned. I too know quite a few people. However, I will discuss this will you privately as I'm not one to name drop or use an acquaintance to try and prove myself as the authority on said subject matter.

So I will ask you again, what's in it for you and why 1/4 mile run? I'm eagerly waiting for your response...

Hunt with what you want and do it well!

Oh, just ask Ed Cuneo and get back to us.

Pines Lover

Aug 15, 2010
That does not answer it for the rest of us.

Because it is one the most ecological significant areas in the Pine Barrens because of the still existing vernal pools and the globally rare plants that are still there. It is a Natural Heritage Priority site, don't you understand what that means. Do you think all of whats left should be wiped out?

Because it is one the most ecological significant areas in the Pine Barrens because of the still existing vernal pools and the globally rare plants that are still there. It is a Natural Heritage Priority site, don't you understand what that means. Do you think all of whats left should be wiped out?

Because it is one the most ecological significant areas in the Pine Barrens because of the still existing vernal pools and the globally rare plants that are still there. It is a Natural Heritage Priority site, don't you understand what that means. Do you think all of whats left should be wiped out?

Because it is one the most ecological significant areas in the Pine Barrens because of the still existing vernal pools and the globally rare plants that are still there. It is a Natural Heritage Priority site, don't you understand what that means. Do you think all of whats left should be wiped out?

Because it is one the most ecological significant areas in the Pine Barrens because of the still existing vernal pools and the globally rare plants that are still there. It is a Natural Heritage Priority site, don't you understand what that means. Do you think all of whats left should be wiped out?

Because it is one the most ecological significant areas in the Pine Barrens because of the still existing vernal pools and the globally rare plants that are still there. It is a Natural Heritage Priority site, don't you understand what that means. Do you think all of whats left should be wiped out?

Because it is one the most ecological significant areas in the Pine Barrens because of the still existing vernal pools and the globally rare plants that are still there. It is a Natural Heritage Priority site, don't you understand what that means. Do you think all of whats left should be wiped out?

Or do I need to use a larger font?

mudboy dave

Oct 15, 2008
What I'm getting at is if you have someone ask you a question, answer it. Copy and pasting something 10 times is not going to make me understand anymore that what I already do. How many times have I already said I agree with you on 1/4 mile,Mike? For real how many times. How many times have I said I'm not for illegal off-roading? How many times have you ignored what I have to say within your replys? Maybe if I start posting something numerous times in large font and bold letters you will finally actually reply to what I have to say/ask. One day hopefully you realize that I'm a very reasonable person to deal with if you don't treat me like I'm some sort of retard. You are no better of a person than myself and I expect you to speak to me in that matter. Quite frankly I don't care who you are or what you think you are but when push comes to shove you are nothing more than a regular person with a valid complaint that has no communication skills. So when we finally do meet in person one day I request you not to speak down to me. Grow the hell up and maybe you'll get somewhere with this. Oh and by the way Where have you been the past 20 years that this has been happening back there?

Pines Lover

Aug 15, 2010
What I'm getting at is if you have someone ask you a question, answer it. Copy and pasting something 10 times is not going to make me understand anymore that what I already do. How many times have I already said I agree with you on 1/4 mile,Mike? For real how many times. How many times have I said I'm not for illegal off-roading? How many times have you ignored what I have to say within your replys? Maybe if I start posting something numerous times in large font and bold letters you will finally actually reply to what I have to say/ask. One day hopefully you realize that I'm a very reasonable person to deal with if you don't treat me like I'm some sort of retard. You are no better of a person than myself and I expect you to speak to me in that matter. Quite frankly I don't care who you are or what you think you are but when push comes to shove you are nothing more than a regular person with a valid complaint that has no communication skills. So when we finally do meet in person one day I request you not to speak down to me. Grow the hell up and maybe you'll get somewhere with this. Oh and by the way Where have you been the past 20 years that this has been happening back there?

Originally Posted by mudboy dave
That does not answer it for the rest of us.
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