Recent content by Pinesbucks

  1. P


    Bob if you worried about the Deet. I would go permithein on the clothes. Then for the skeeters I would go with a thermacell. We have a gazillion of them now wife gives one to each kid if they are out at dusk or dark in our yard.
  2. P

    Kayaking on the Wading Again

    We did the wading from godfreys to beaver on the 15th. We worried about going in from hawkin given little rain other than the downpour on Friday. It was good paddle not too fast but also not dead slow either. Good amount of people in that section.
  3. P

    Bobwhite quail

    Jim I think they all got wiped so fast there was no need to continue managing. I would call pine island and see if they have information.
  4. P

    Turtle And A Hognose

    Seems to be an influx of turtles this year. Had to go around 2 of stage road last weekend. Both instances person in front of me pulled over to help them get across faster.
  5. P

    Road Conditions

    Thanks Bob. Been a long time since I have been behind the tower.
  6. P

    Road Conditions

    Bob I will take a guess of your puddle is it over by eagleswood and 3ft gun club?
  7. P

    Bobwhite quail

    From what I heard Haines and pine island released the birds near the clearcut they did on Stevenson road. So that tracks with what Guy heard. A former member of the site did post on here that alot of the quail were killed off by birds of prey and many did not successfully reproduce.
  8. P

    An assault on our rights

    It looks much bigger Guy . Like I am mentally questioning myself if it's the same bridge. Will check it out next time in the area
  9. P

    An assault on our rights

    Yes that is the one in bobs topo.
  10. P

    An assault on our rights

    Bob if you were to head that way from Harrisville up the Martha road there is small bridge. It has been getting worse and worse its totally gone now.
  11. P

    An assault on our rights

    The small one on Martha road.
  12. P

    An assault on our rights

    Bob alot of Haines ground in the app onx is listed just as private property with no information for owner. I checked it for this block and same thing. I was up that way this fall and fresh Haines signs on the boundary. Be careful if you go up that way the bridge is gone.
  13. P

    The MAP is back

    Here we go again. We need to push back on any road closure.
  14. P

    Oswego and allen roads

    Surprisingly there is some thicker pockets I guess Laurel does not burn well.
  15. P

    Oswego and allen roads

    When I was driving thru I thought about that Guy as I know you also contacted the state regarding stones for the Greenwood project as well. Thank you for contacting them.